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UNWLA Participation at Annual GFWC Convention The 81st annual convention of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) was held in Denver, Colorado, June 5-9, w ith more than 1,200 dele gates participating, including those of 16 countries. Executive Board member, Mrs. M ary Dush nyck, was the UNWLA delegate. Convention speakers interpret ed the convention theme, “The Federated Clubwoman: The Cat alyst,” as well as th a t of the 1970-72 adm inistration of Presi dent Mrs. Earle A. Brown — “A B etter Environm ent.” The GFWC through its thou sands of clubs and 11-million m em bership involved itself in conservation, clean air, youth gardes, preservation of historic landm arks, fine arts, home life, consumer affairs, international and public affairs, CARE and UNICEF, drug abuse, the Am er ican Indian, rehabilitation, and so on, w ith emphasis on youth involvement. Awards totaling $90,000 were granted by industry to GFWC clubs in the Community Im provem ent Program alone, in ad dition to $97,000 in the Environ m ental Responsibility and other program s. Junior Clubs contrib uted over $1,400,000 to the GF’s education program , w ith public education and student aid receiv ing th e greater share. A t the June 8 m orning ses sion representatives of GF asso ciate organizations were intro duced, including UNWLA dele gate, Mrs. M. Dushnyck, and Mrs. Kwitkowska, President of the U krainian Gold Cross. They took p art also in the social for In ter national Delegates, the Interna tional Luncheon, at which they were introduced, and in recep tion honoring the incoming Pres ident, Mrs. K erm it V. Haugan. D uring the session on resolu tions, the UNWLA delegate spoke for the amendm ent to GF Resolution No. 85 on Communist Aggression. Mrs. Dushnyck said th at Communist efforts to take over the free world are continu ing, w ith Soviet and Red Chi nese aid to Hanoi, and underm in ing Communist actions in Latin Am erica; arrests of U krainian intellectuals are w idespread; genuine freedom cannot be achieved until all peoples are guaranteed their rights, and th a t freedom once lost is diffi cult to regain. Her rem arks were received enthusiastically by the 1400 delegates and guests pres ent. (Speaker Julie Nixon Eisen hower was to appear shortly). A statem ent, issued by 8 wom en’s organizations, including 3 U krainian ones, the Baltics and Women for Freedom, warned the American people not to be misled into a state of euphoria th a t true peace and security have been achieved by our latest negotia- A G A T A N G E L K R I M S K Y ( 1 8 7 1 — 1 9 4 1 ) Ukrainian poet Agatanghel Krimsky died thirty years ago. As a young student he specialized in Oriental languages. After spending two years in Syria in advanced studies , he became professor of Oriental philology at the University of Moscow. After 1917 he moved to Ukraine and became Secretary of Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in Kiev. Krimsky’s scholarly output comprises approximately one thousand learned articles. Beside that he wrote poetry and the novel ('Andriy La- hovsky.” His death occurred during the Soviet-Nazi war under circum stances not yet clarified. A t r e c e p tio n h o n o r in g M rs. K e r m it V . H a u g a n , in c o m in g P r e s id e n t o f th e t h e G e n e r a l F e d e r a tio n o f W o m e n ’s C lu b s, at th e c o n c lu s io n o f it s 81st a n n u a l c o n v e n tio n in D e n v e r , C olo ra d o . M rs. H a u g a n , w h o s e te r m is fo r tw o y ea rs, is b e in g c o n g r a tu la te d in th e r e c e iv in g li n e b y U k r a in ia n d e le g a te s , D r. M aria K w it k o w s k a o f t h e U k r a in ia n G o ld C ross ( l e f t ) , a n d M rs. M ary D u sh n y c k o f th e U N W L A НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ — ЧЕРВЕНЬ-СЕРПЕНЬ, 1972 27
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