UNWLA Annual Report

main chart updated | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America

A Letter From The President

When undertaking the writing of this annual report, we did so with just a little trepidation. We knew this would entail a look back at 2022: a year replete with events that none of us ever thought the world would experience in this century.

But the heartbreak, grief, and fury that arose as a result of the russian invasion and war on Ukraine simply gave us greater energy to do what needed to be done. For Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.

The Ukrainian National Women’s League of America (UNWLA) has seen much over the course of its long, 98-year history. But the events of the past few years and their convergence have created challenges and opportunities that the organization has never experienced in the past. The changes in the environment include the war on Ukraine, rapid advances in the use of technology, an evolving organizational demographic, and a major inflow of women from Ukraine.

Nevertheless, what stands out in this report on the activities of the UNWLA in the past year is the deep dedication of our membership. It shows no sign of flagging. 

We thank all those who have supported the UNWLA in its mission to advocate, educate, cultivate, and care.  We hope you will continue to support us in the years to come.


Natalie Pawlenko