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The UNWLA Annual Board Meeting, held on June 24-25, 1972 in Philadelphia, brought up again the situation of our Eng lish-speaking members. They are organized in 8 Branches — 37, 58 and 80 in Detroit, Mich., 32 in Newark, N. J., 40 in Allen town, Pa., 52 in Philadelphia, Pa., 60 in Cleveland, Ohio and 72 in New York City. An inquiry sent out by Mrs. Alexandra Riz- nyk, Vice President, brought in interesting inform ation on the work of these Branches. As no reports were received from Branches 40 and 72 only 6 Branches gave us any in form ation about themselves. These 6 Branches have 127 mem bers. Among them are 12 pro fessional w om en; 33 are in busi ness. As to their community in volvement 50 members answered th a t they are active in church and community groups. Two of the Branches (37 and 52) have affiliations w ith non-Ukrainian organizations. In the area of organizational work 4 Branches reported ongo ing program s on U krainian tra ditions, culture and the folk arts. They also expressed an interest in getting more de tailed and substantial infor m ation about them . The inquiry fu rth er revealed th a t 116 mem bers understand U krainian well and would like to broaden their knowledge of U krainian cultural traditions by lectures and dem onstrations. 55 members read Ukrainian and can m ake use of U krainian publications. The bib liography of English books on Ukraine, prepared by our Cul tural Chairman, could prove of use to them. Besides the questionnaire and the UNWLA By-laws, these Branches also received XVI Con vention Committee resolutions, several new sletters, notice of paym ents and several Chair m en’s plans and new sletters. They are thus informed about UNWLA program s. N everthe less, they appear to be function ing in varying degrees on their own. Their contact w ith Head quarters is mainly dem onstrated through their paym ent of dues and donations to various funds. One could deduce from this th a t about 200 American women were attracted to m embership in U NWLA only as a result of a deep interest in th eir heritage. Despite the language difficul ties m em bership rem ains con stant. Therefore more attention should be given to these Branch es and their membership. This does not necessarily mean th a t they should have separate pro gram s. Giving them , in English, all the m aterials th a t are regu larly sent to all member branch es will, for the first tim e, give them a true picture of the or ganization and its work, and will also give them the opportunity to select from the m any items therein those which are m ost useful to them . Excerpts from the Bilin gual Branch Report, June 1971—June 1972 made by M r s . A l e x a n d r a R i z n y k , Vice President. A g a t a n g h e l K r i m s k y x x x x x x I climbed the crest. Below, the clouds were moving. I looked far off: at Beirut, at the see. Here, glacial ice ; there, magic all-approving... A paradisal nook of sorcery. See B eirut shine. A tropical, bright orchard, W here palms are on a ru g of lilies spread. And sense w ith pungent scent is sweetly tortured. W here tuberose and orchid brim the b ed ... A look at Lebanon. There coolness breathes From a green meadow, m oist w ith frag ran t dew. And m ighty nature in the forest sheathes The grace of Spring and all her retinue. While here among the clouds, where I am hidden, The snow and ice are deep; yet from this crust A pale-blue cowslip has come forth unbidden And gently smiles to me in silent tru st. More m ighty than the cedars is this floret: It braves the w inter in this icy nest. Such is my love:for silent powers restore it, And, w ith its flame, make glow the entire breast. T r a n s l a t e d b y C . H . A n d r u s y c h e n a n d W a t s o n K i r k c o n n e l l 26 НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ — ЧЕРВЕНЬ-СЕРПЕНЬ, 1972 OUR LIFE MONTHLY, published by Ukrainian National Women's League of America Vol. X X IX . JUNE, 1972 No. 6. Our Bilingual Branches Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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