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OUR LIFE M ONTHLY, 'published by Ukrainian National Womens League of America Vol. XXVII. DECEMBER, 1970 The Christmas Sheaf Christmas customs are a beau tiful and treasured part of our cultural heritage. The busy prep arations, the holiday spirit, the traditional Christmas supper, and the joyful sounds of carol ing are unforgettable memories for everyone of Ukrainian de scent. No matter where we may find ourselves, no matter how far removed we may be from Ukrainian community affairs, the advent of the Christmas season awakens in us memories of our childhood — memories which have been instilled in us with loving care by our parents. We made every effort to con tinue these customs, for we want our children to share those same treasured Christmas memories. . A festive table set with all traditional dishes of Christmas, a handful of hay underneath the tablecloth, a fragrant, crusty loaf set in the midst of the ta ble. . . By candlelight, the head of the household wishes every one health and long life, and shares with each member of the family pieces of prosphora ■— cubes of bread dipped in honey or kutia. The family sits down tG a meatless supper consisting of 12 dishes. A solemn atmos phere prevails, and when the meal is over, carols are sung aroud a lighted Christmas tree, The sound of caroling drifts on the air. The son of God is born! There are many such Christ mas customs, many of them, un fortunately, forgotten. For ex ample, did you know that in ad dition to kutia and uzvar, a hand ful of wheat stalks set in a vase on the table are a time-honored custom ? It symbolizes the wheat Translated by Tetiana Shevchuk No. 11 sheaf — “diduch” — which at one time stood in every house hold on Christmas Eve. This was usually the last sheaf harvested from the field. It was saved un til Christmas Eve, when the head of the household, accompa. nied by his eldest son, brought the wheat sheaf into the house and placed it in the place of honor beneath the holy icons. It was believed that the souls of the deceased resided in the “di duch,’ and for this reason it was kept in the house throughout the Christmas season. Today, we have only a hand ful of wheat stalks to remind us of a beautiful old custom. May it remind us of the “diduch” of our ancestors! CONVENTION NEWS The XVI Convention will be held on May 21-23, 1971, at the UNA Estate “Soyuzivka” near Kerhonkson, N. Y. The Conven tion Committee is headed by Mrs. Irene Kindrachuk, the Re gional Council president of New ark, N. J. Therefore, most of the members who volunteered to serve on the Committee are from this area. UNWLA Branch 89 of Kerhonkson, N. Y. will al- also be helping out. The Convention Book is almost ready to go. We hope that all Branches will send in brief re ports about their activities in 1968-71 and group photographs of their current officers. We also wish to encourage all UNWLA Branches to support the publica tion of the Convention Book by getting as many ads a possible. It’s time to consider how many delegates your Branch will be sending to the Convention. Each Branch should send in as many as it possibly can. (ВОЗВЕСЕЛІМСЯ) LET US BE JOYOUS Let all sing gaily a joyous song. In a poor manger Christ Child was born. Known as man, Jesus (2 times) He lived amidst us. Let al on earth rejoice today! Let all on earth sing — triumphantly. And praise the Lord — befittingly. Christ, the God given (2 times) Answer from heaven, Who had redeemed the whole, wide world! Who had redeemed us from hell’s damnation. Praise be to Jesus from al creation. This is the reason (2 times) For this gay Season: Praise be to Jesus Christ, the Lord! Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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