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OUR LIFE MONTHLY, published by Ukrainian National Womens League of America Vol. XXX. JULY-AUGU ST, 1973 No. 7 General Federation of Women's Clubs 82nd Annual Convention The G eneral F ederation of W om en’s Clubs held its 82nd A nnual Convention in B al tim ore, M aryland, on June 8-7, 1973. The UNW LA, an A ssoci ate M em ber, w as rep resen ted by its delegate, M rs. A lexandra Riznyk. O ther U krainian dele g ates w ere M rs. H elen Prociuk, rep resen tin g th e W orld F ed era tion of U krainian W om en’s O r ganizations, and M rs. M aria K w itkow sky from th e U krainian Gold Cross. Also p resen t w as M rs. U lyana Celevich from th e W om en’s Division of th e O rgan ization fo r th e D efense of th e F our Freedom s fo r U kraine. Previous rep o rts on GFWC conventions described th e o rg an ization, its purposes and p ro gram s, b u t it bears rep eatin g to s ta te th a t th e F ed eratio n encom passes over 1500 clubs, from A laska to Florida, in addition to intern ation al clubs, clubs in ex ile and associate groups. A su r vey conducted not long ago by GFW C revealed th a t each F ed erated clubwom an moves in “a sphere of influence” consisting of some 50-60 people. The signi ficance of th is conclusion should be ap p aren t to U krainian wom en who are seeking to dissem i n ate inform ation about U kraine and U krainian culture. U krainian delegates a t th e B altim ore Convention took ev ery opportunity to pass on some tru th s about U kraine and th e U krainians, w h ether in th e course of conversation w ith a N o rth D akota delegate, speak ing in support of resolutions on stren g th en in g fam ily life and freedom of nations, or passing on literatu re. The In tern atio n al B anquet, w ith Julie N ixon E is enhow er as gu est of honor, was an occasion to show th e U k rain ian N ational costum e w orn by B altim ore O D FFU and UNW LA young ladies. A t a luncheon, given by th e P resid en t of th e F ederation, M rs. K erm it V. H au- gan, fo r delegates of th e A sso ciate m em ber groups, M rs. K w it kow sky and M rs. R iznyk had an opportunity to describe th e ir respective organizations, th e ir aim s and program s. D uring th e 4 days of sessions and dinners, delegates and v isit ors heard several prom inent speakers. The H onorable A nne A rm strong, Counsellor to P re s ident N ixon and firs t wom an appointed to C abinet rank, spoke on th e changes in direction in th e U nited S tates — as in th e move tow ards g re a te r fiscal r e sponsibility and th e decentrali zation of governm ent. The H on orable M artha W. G riffith s, U.S. R epresentative from M ichigan, spoke on equal rig h ts fo r w om en. John W. Macey, Jr. — P re s ident of th e Council of B etter B usiness B ureaus — told th e Convention of th e various w ays th e consum er can be protected. In his talk M r. M acey c h a rac te r ized th e GFW C as a source of g re a t potential fo r changes in th is country. A very m oving p re sen tatio n w as given by B rig a dier G eneral D avid W inn, USAF, a fo rm er prisoner of w ar, in his R eflections of a POW . T his 82nd Convention of th e G eneral F ederation of W om en’s Clubs, w ith its 780 delegates who p articip ated actively a t ev ery session, w as a tru ly stim u latin g experience. T he enthu- GiFWC C onvention delegates a t U N W LA Dr. 59. F ro m left, in w h ite dress, A. S telm ach (P res, of B r. 59), M. K w itk o w k sa (U C C ), H. P ro ciu k (W FU W O ), A. R izn y k (U N W LA ) a n d p a rtia lly h id d en , U. Celeviich (O D F F U ). НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ — ЛИПЕНЬ-СЕРПЕНЬ, 1973 Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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