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P R E S ID E N T OF U N W LA BRANCH 32 M rs. D orothy Lozowy is th e firs t president of UNW LA B ranch, w hich was founded in F eb ru ary , 1967. The trad itio n of UNW LA is very strong- in h er th em : loss of jobs and living q u arters, constant suspicion and harassm en t. In reaction to th is news U krainians in th e F ree W orld have voiced th e ir p ro test ag ain st th e suppression of hum an fre e dom in th e Soviet U kraine. The U krainian C ongress C om m ittee of A m erica has proclaim ed th a t on A pril 28 rallies and dem on stratio n s p ro testin g Soviet p e r secution in U kraine will be held in all m ajo r A m erican cities. F u rth erm o re, a M em orandum p ro testin g th e use of m oral, p h y sical and political persecution in Soviet U kraine will be sent to T eheran, w here th e UN Com mis sion fo r H um an R ig hts will open its deliberations on A pril 22. U krainian women in th e F ree W orld have undertaken still an o th er action on beh alf of th e p e r secuted in U kraine. T ogether w ith B altic, Czech, Polish, R u m anian, B ulgarian and Slovak w om en’s organizations th ey have prepared a M em orandum opposing th e to ta lita ria n su p pression of hum an rig h ts behind th e Iron C urtain. fam ily because h er gran dm o th er belongs to B ranch 28 and h er m other, form erly a m em ber of th e sam e branch, has now joined th e new ly-form ed group. D oro th y was born and raised in New ark. A fte r gradu atio n from W eequahic H igh School D orothy m arried M r. Lozowy, who came from B rody in U kraine. They have th ree children: J e rry 9, P e te r 6, and O ksana 4. M rs. D oro th y Lozowy is em ployed by th e B ank of Com merce in N ew ark as a teller. R E PO R T OF U N W LA BRANCH 32 IN N EW A R K , N .J. I am glad to re p o rt th a t we now have 14 m em bers who reg u larly atten d our m onthly m eet ings a t 140 P rospect Ave., I r vington, th e U krainian Com m un ity Home. O ur p ast m eetings included a v isit from M rs. A n astasia Vol k er in th e fall, a few business m eetings and a C hristm as deco ra tin g dem onstration in N ovem ber. We spent our la st m eeting on Feb. 27, 1968, a t a m em ber’s home, p racticing m aking “pv- sanky.” Our firs t effo rts w ere encouraging and we plan to have an o th er try a t it in A pril. We also have a trip planned for A pril and will gladly inform “Our L ife” about it. D orothy Lozowy R E PO R T OF UNW LA BRANCH 60 IN C LEV ELA N D U N W LA B ranch 60 resum ed its activ ity in 1968 under th e leadership of M rs. M ichael Bo- char, P resident. On Ja n u a ry 20 a Holy Supper E vening fo r m em bers and th e ir gu ests w as held. The pro gram fe atu red a read in g by M rs. M ichael B ochar on U krainian C hristm as trad itio n s. T raditional food w as served and all joined in th e singing of tra d i tional C hristm as carols. F o rty persons attended. On F eb ru a ry 15, 1968 an E x ecutive m eeting w as held a t th e hom e of M rs. W. Grab. T h roughout 1968 E a ste r egg decorating classes wehe held. The pro g ram included p re p ara tion of eggs, m aterials, dyes, color schem es fo r dipping egs, principles of good design and color. L ater, th e planning of th e decoration, d iffe ren t m otifs and m ethods of rem oving w ax w ere tau g h t. Over 100 persons atte n d ed th e classes. M. B ochar STU D IES OF U K R A IN IA N TRAD ITIO N The UNW LA C ultural C hair m an M rs. N atalia Chaplenko has founded a C om m ittee of studies of U krainian trad itio n . On F eb ru a ry 10, 1968 a m eeting w as held in New Y ork C ity a t w hich C hristm as trad itio n s w ere dis cussed. The C om m ittee is now stud yin g E a s te r trad itio n s. PROTECTORS OF FO LK ART M USEUM The U N W LA Folk A rt M u seum in New Y ork C ity has a wide prog ram of w ork w ith lec tu res, catalog and exhibits. This prom ising plan needs financial support. UNW LA B ranches are urged to become P ro tecto rs of th e Folk A rt M useum by paying a yearly donation of $-50.00. OBITUARY M rs. K ath erine G abriw ska, a prom inent leader, organizer and m em ber of U N W LA B ranch 30 of Cleveland, Ohio has passed away- S erving as P resid ent and th en later as S ecretary of h er branch, she was an active m em ber of th e group th a t b ro u g h t about th e erection of th e L esya U k rain k a statu e in th e C ultural G ardens of Cleveland, Ohio on Sept. 24, 1961. H er leadership, dedication and guidance fo r m ore th a n th irty - five y ears in B ranch 30 has earned h er a place of high es teem in th e U N W LA organiza tion, and to h er m em ory we say “V ichnaya P am iat.” M em bers of U N W LA B ranch 30 in Cleveland, Ohio 20 НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ — БЕРЕЗЕНЬ, 1968 M rs. D orothy Lozow y Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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