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W H A T IS HAPPEING A T U N W LA? Twelve new U N W L A Branch es were founded since the X IV Convention in November 1965. A ll regions report increases in membership. Among the new Branches are two English-speak ing ones: Branch 32 in Newark, N. J. (Mrs. Dorothy Lozowy, pres.) and Branch 80 in W ar ren, Mich. (Mrs. Louise Saks, pres.). Branch 64 in New Y o rk pre sented an E xh ib itio n of C hil dren’s C re a tivity which was held fro m September 30 to October 14. I t featured paintings, col lages, clay objects, ceramics, and embroidery. Some really talented young artists were discovered among the youngsters. The Chicago Branches have acquired th e ir own clubhouse. I t is located in the Security Sav ings Company at 936 Western Avenue. A large number of guests attended the opening of the new clubhouse on September 17. U N W L A Branch 57 in Utica, N. Y. sponsored a course in Easter egg decorating. A t the conclusion of the course a com petition was held fo r the p re tti est egg. The f ir s t prize was awarded to 7-year old K a th y L y k te j. Bohdan Koshykar won in the youth division, and Mrs. Jan L y k te j, K a th y ’s mother, won in the adult division. sary Dinner w ill be held in De cember. We are proud of the fact th a t we have among us five of the original charter members: Ann Sedorak, Helen Sedorak, Nell Sosnowsky, Kay Risko, and Rose Slupecki. In January we w ill have our Installation Tea at which the follow ing newly-elected officers w ill be installed: Jenny Materyn, P resident; Julia Stoyko, Vice President; Nellie M artyn, Trea surer ; Joan Gardy, Rec. Sec’y ; Ann Zablocky, Corr. Sec’y ; Jean FitzSimmons, H istorian. Olga Hubchik Vice President A R E M A R K A B L E JU B IL E E In No. 7, ’67 of “ Our L ife ” we have marked the Jubilee of a re markable U krainian woman — Dr. Sophia Parfanowych of De tro it, Mich. — civic leader, w r it er, and physician, who is well- known and respected not only in her local community, but in U krainian communities thro ugh out the Free World. We, as U N W L A members, are appreciative of yet another as pect of her many-faceted in te r ests, fo r Dr. Parfanowych is an active member of the U N W LA . She joined the U krainian wom en’s organization in Lviv, in ]926, and fro m th a t moment has served Ukrainian womanhood w ith her professional a b ility and her pen as well. Upon im m igra tion to the U. S. in 1949, her f ir s t civic contact — outside the U krainian Medical Association — was the U N W LA . Much can be said about her lite ra ry work. She f ir s t began w ritin g in the 1930’s — mostly short sketches about the s u ffe r ings of “ everyday people.” In 1939 she published a collection of these sketches entitled “ Value of L ife ,” in which she described her observations among her patients. She also wrote an account of her travels entitled “ A t the Crossroads,” and then turned her attention almost en tire ly to animal stories. She wrote about a cat in “ Loyal Friend,” and about a memorable dog in “ That Is How He Was.” In “ I Love the B lairs’’ she de scribed the animals of the Am er ican Midwest. Most recently, So phia Parfanowych has turned her attention to her car, de scribing her car trip s in “ Carry and I ” , excerpts fro m which have already been printed in an English translation in our maga zine. In this b rie f sketch of this tru ly remarkable woman, we have, hopefully, fam iliarized our readers somewhat w ith her life and work. In fu tu re issues of “ Our L ife ,” we w ill re p rin t in English translation excerpts fro m w ritin gs. F or Dr. Parfano wych, in addition to her creative work, is keenly aware of the need fo r good English-language translations of U k ra in ia ii auth ors. In 1966 WFUWO in itia te d the f ir s t of a series of lite ra tu re in translation competitions f i nanced by Sophia Parfanowych to encourage young bi-lingual translators to tr y th e ir hand at the translation o f U krainian w ritin g s into English. NEW SCHOOL OF U K R A IN IA N DANCE Ballerina Nina Sulyma is con ducting two U krainian dance schools in New Y o rk C ity and Bridgeport, Conn. For a better understanding of dance, the ballerina prepared a special booklet which was made available to all students. The booklet explains all the ba sic dance steps and describes in detail the four most popular Ukrainian fo lk dances — the ho pak, metelycia, kolom yjka, and hahilky. A special record fea tu rin g 12 U krainian dances is also available. OUR LIFE Edited by Editorial Board Published by the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America, Inc. 4936 N. 13th St. Philadelphia 41, Pa. Mrs. Sofia Parfanovyc'h, M.D.
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