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Report at the Annual Meeting of the National Council Of Women for 1966-67 By Stefania Pushkar, President During this period I visited our Eastern Branches in the USA and stressed the most im portant activities in which our membership should participate. F irs t, our objective was to reach young mothers and gain th e ir interest in our day-center programs. Second, to determine the pos sibilities fo r the creation of new pre-school educational centers. A t present our branches con duct 18 day-centers fo r children fro m 3-5 years of age w ith an enrollment of approximately 600 children. Financialy the centers are self-supporting, Due to a great shortage of qualified teachers, we have or ganized a 6-month tra in in g course fo r young mothers. We are continuing our pro gram of coping w ith teenage problems, which we s till consid er as the most im portant fo r our families and our country. We consider i t our obligation to give a helping hand to U krainian mothers in th e ir endeavor to tu rn th e ir children’s activities into useful and creative areas. Therefore we are try in g to introduce into our program the follow ing: 1. Organizing arts and crafts youth clubs fo r the development of young ta le n ts ; 2. Sponsoring programs of young talents on regional and national levels; 3. Organizing fo lk dance class es fo r young children and social dancing fo r high school and col lege students; 4. Organizing book clubs fo r children — w ith libraries fo r th e ir proper age groups. C hil dren are accepting this idea very well and we now have 3 such clubs operating as p ilo t projects. In the field of W elfare our most urgent problem is helping elderly women, who, due to the language barrier, need our aid and advice. We have established social service committee which in a short time have shown us a real necessity fo r th e ir existence. This past year our Philadelphia office handled 231 cases of real need, and our help was of tre mendous value. We are organiz ing volunteer workers, which is quite a problem fo r us as 90% of our members are employed. I am happy to report th a t our U krainian Folk A r t Museum is expanding. We are receiving val uable objects of genuine fo lk a rt fro m our members and we now occupy the entire 4th floor of the U krainian In s titu te of America at 2 East 79th Street. You are all cordially invited to v is it our Museum. We were most happy to co operate w ith NCW-US in wel coming Senora De Russi of Col ombia who came to Philadelphia to become acquainted w ith the American school system and al so became interested in the U k rainian private schools. Our board members in Philadelphia were glad to share inform ation w ith her about our organization. We now stand on the thresh old of an outstanding event which is to take place in NYC in November 1967, to comme- rate the 50th anniversary of the U krainian National Revolution which culminated in the crea tion of the U krainian National Republic and the unification of all the U krainian lands previous ly partitioned among several countries. I t was also in 1917 th a t the U krainian Constitution granted equal rig h ts to U kra in ian women, and so this year we also celebrate the 50th anniver sary of Equal Rights fo r U kra in ian Women. New Y o rk C ity was the site of the W orld Congress of Free Ukrainians which was attended by U krainian delegates fro m 22 countries of the free world who spoke fo r the Ukrainians en slaved under Communism. U k rainian women had th e ir own day on November 15 at the Stat- ler H ilto n Hotel and delegates fro m 10 countries including Aus tra lia took part. Following the study sessions, a cultural pro gram was presented in which our younger talents p a rtic i pated. Also on Saturday Novem ber 18 a giant music and dance festival took place in Madison Square Garden. These are some of the main points of our program, and we are glad to report th a t our or ganization is growing. On No vember 1st we w ill anounce the form ation of our 95th branch. In closing I wish to express our deepest appreciation fo r the opportunity to cooperate w ith NCW-US in its far-sighted pro grams which stimulate and guide us in meeting the urgent prob lems of our times. REPORT OF U N W L A BRANCH 58 The Olena Teliha U N W L A Branch 58 started the fa ll sea son w ith September meeting at which the members decided on an a rt project fo r the “ Old W orld M arket” which was held on November 16-19 at the In ternational In stitu te . The club members spent many busy, hap py hours m aking poppies and other U krainian field flowers from crepe paper and tissue. The “ Old W orld M arke t” is an in te r national fa ir which is held an nually. I t features N a tio n a lity Booths, native food dishes and hand-made objects, and ethnic musical programs. I t is gay and educational and is enjoyed by people fro m d iffe re n t walks of life and all age groups. The Chapter’s 20th Anniver- Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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