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Installation Ceremonies of Branch 85 The installation dinner of of B ranch 85, w hich is com prised of A m erican-born U krainian women, was held; on Sunday, A pril 4, a t th e S portsm en’s Inn in C arteret, N. J., w ith M rs. Helen L ototsky, UNW LA P resi dent, officiating. M rs. K a th ry n Sym chik, P resident of B ranch 85, was installed by M rs. L ototsky, who presented h er w ith a U N W LA pin and a corsage. T hen followed th e in stallation of th e o th er officers of th e new branch. T hey includ ed M rs. Olga Roszanski, Vice- President, M rs. M arie Shym an- sky, S ecretary, and M rs. A nn Jacopino, T reasurer. Follow ing th e installation, M rs. L ototsky spoke of th e h is to ry of th e UNW LA and th e role of organized women, p artic u la r ly th e U N W LA m em bership. M rs. M ary D ushnyck, UNW LA O rganization C hairm an fo r A m erican-born women, outlined th e duties of U krainian women in th e p resen t “Society of A chievem ent” and of th e oppor tu n ities available to th em in th e U krainian and A m erican com m unity th ro u g h th e UNW LA. T he P resid en t of th e U N W LA N ew ark Regional Council, M rs. O lga Saluk, who w orked closely w ith th e new bran ch in its fo r m ative stage, review ed these pre-organization m eetings h u m orously and expressed h er b est w ishes fo r th e cooperation of th e new branch in th e m utual w ork of th e N ew ark Regional Council. M rs. Olga H ry tsay , P resid en t of B ranch 67, who also collaborated in th e organization of th e new branch, b ro u g h t greetings from her P e rth Am boy branch. R epresenting th e tow n of C ar te re t, Councilman C harles Bo- honek, a U krainian, spoke of th e contribution of th e U krainian wom en to C a rte re t’s cultural and civic life, especially th e vital role played by M rs. Sym chik in innum erable fund-raising projects and folk dancing and m usical program s in th e com m u nity. Co-chairm en in charge of th e installation w ere M rs. June Deli and M rs. Simon Deli, w ith Miss Joanne Sym chik serving as to astm aster. The branch is now holding a m em bership drive and inform a tion m ay be obtained from M rs. M arie H arrow , M em bership C hairm an. B ranch 85 m eets th e second T hursday of each m onth, a t M rs. Sym chik’s hom e in C ar tere t, w ith a w orkshop, w hich is open to th e public, following each m eeting. M rs. K ay Sym chik, P re sid e n t of B ran ch 85. T H E IN IM ITA BLE KAY SYM CHIK The president of th e new U N W LA B ranch 85 in C arteret, N. J. is a dynam ic wom an of im m ense v ersatility w hich she uses to g re a t advantage of h er com m unity as an A m erican of U k rain ian descent. K atherine Sym chik is th e d au g h ter of th e late H a rry and Helen Sowa of Old Bridge, N. J. In 1916 she m ar ried Joseph Sym chik and they are th e p aren ts of tw o daugh ters, Joanne, 23, and Rosem arie, 20. Joanne is a hom e economics teacher in a ju n io r high school in Linden, N. J., and hopes to follow in h er m o th er’s footsteps in teaching U krainian folk arts. R osem arie, who has been a Rock- e tte a t th e Radio C ity M usic Hall, is a ju n io r a t M ontclair S tate College, m ajo rin g in phy sical education. Some of K ay’s activities in clude w ritin g a column, “Be S m art — L earn to D ance,” which appears in The A tom , a local pa p e r; Girl Scout w o rk ; dem on s tra tin g and lecturing on cook ing and U krainian E a ste r egg p a in tin g ; conducting h er own C arteret School of Dancing, w here since 1948 she has ta u g h t social, stag e and folk dancing (K ay sta rte d h er career in folk dancing w ith V asyl A vram en ko) ; p articipation in th e C ar te re t Y outh C enter and th e C ar te re t New Jersey T ercentenary Com m ittee, and directing th e C arteret R ecreation D ep art m ent-sponsored dance program w here she ta u g h t 500 children in a 12-week season. K ay Sym chik is well know n to U krainians as a dancer actress, and she is especially rem em ber ed fo r h er delightful p erfo rm ance as th e m other in th e “T rials and T ribulations of a Village S u ito r” w hich w as presented by th e U krainian Folk F estival a t th e W orld’s F a ir la st July and a t th e B rooklyn A cadem y of M usic in M arch. Incidentally, K ay p a r ticipated in 12 W orld’s F a ir pro gram s la st year! B ranch 85 is m ost fo rtu n a te in having a person of K a th ry n Sym chik’s caliber and w arm th a t its helm , and we are sure th a t she will contribute g reatly to th e UNW LA, as she has to eve ry th in g else she has ever under taken. M. D ushnyck A re you an active m em ber, The kind th a t would be m issed, Or are you ju s t contented T h at your nam e is on th e list? O U R LIFE Ed i ted by Editor i al Board Published by the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America, Inc. 4936 N. 13th St. Philadelphia 41, Pa. zo НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ — ЧЕРВЕНЬ, 1965 Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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