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- U k r a i n i a n W o m a n The Federation of Lithuanian W omen's Clubs On M ay 1, 1965 I had th e op p o rtu n ity to atten d th e Conven tion of th e F ederation of L ith u anian W om en’s Clubs, w hich was held in th e W aldorf A sto ria H o tel in New Y ork City. Also a t tending w ith me w ere: M rs. M ary D ushnyck, O rganizational C hairm an, and M rs. K atherine K olankiw ska, P ro g ram C hair m an of th e Regional Council. D elegates and guests to th e Convention w ere welcomed by th e P resid en t of th e F ederation, M rs. L igia S. Bieliukas, a fam il iar fig u re to our U N W LA m em bers in New York, who have m et and w orked w ith h er on various occasions, am ong these th e Cap tive N ations W eek observances. M rs. Bieliukas was dressed in a richly em broidered L ithuanian folk costum e. A m ong th e m any em inent guests atten d in g w ere: M rs. W il liam H. H asebrook, P resid en t of th e G eneral F ederation of W om en’s C lu b s; D r. M arion Moll P re m inger, w r ite r ; Mr. V y tau tas S tasinskas, G eneral Consul of L ith u an ia; and V aeloras Lidzi- kauskas, P resid en t of th e Sup rem e C om m ittee fo r th e L iber ation of L ithuania. I will not a tte m p t to p resen t a com plete re p o rt from th e en tire Convention, as our delega tion w as p resen t a t only a sm all portion of th e proceedings, b u t I would like to sh are some gener al im pressions derived from our m eeting w ith th e re p resen ta tives of th is w ell-organized group. The F ederation of L ithuanian W om en’s Clubs w as founded in E urope in 1947, by L ith u an ian women who escaped th e second Soviet A rm y invasion of th e ir country. The purpose of th e F ederation is to unite L ith u an ian wom en in exile, to stru g g le fo r th e ju s t cause of freedom fo r L ithuania, to preserve and to pass on to th e younger generation th e L ith u an ian cultural heritage, and to help needy people, espe cially those behind th e Iron C urtain. T his introduction, rep rin ted from th e program booklet of th e Convention, speaks of th e high ideals and th e organizational ability of these women. A ffili ated Clubs of L ith u an ian wom en are to be found all over th e F ree W orld. In addition to th e 9 clubs in th e U nited S tates, th ere are 3 in G erm any, 1 in Canada, 1 in Italy, 1 in Colum bia, and individual re p resen ta tives in B razil, A rgentina, and Venezuela. The indom itable sp irit of th ese L ith u an ian women is exem pli fied in a b rief prayer, w hich is to be found in th e P reface of th e Convention P ro g ram Booklet. It is one of th e p ray ers w ritte n in 1953 by fo u r young L ith u an ian girls, inm ates of Soviet slave la bor cam ps in Siberia. The p ra y er is rep resen tativ e of th e high m oral courage and fo rtitu d e of th ese young m odern-day m ar ty rs. O riginally w ritte n in L ith uanian, it has since been tra n s- COLLECT The day has gone. W e are drained of stren g th , O ur feelings have died out. Our h e a rts are benum bed. O H eaven, give us wisdom and stre n g th to endure calm ly all m isunderstanding, contem pt and h atred . Lord, have m ercy on u n ju st judges. P ro tect us from extrem e poverty th a t leads to crim e and im pedes th e progress of our souls. P reserve our n atio n ’s pure sp irit th a t it m ay ra d ia te and shine like a splendid star. 0 Lord, 1 ask of you lastin g peace fo r m y crucified country and fo r th e en tire exhausted world. P ra y e r w ritten by L ith u an ian girls, inm ates of Soviet labor cam ps in Siberia. S pring again and once m ore hopes In th e sad h e a rt germ inate Once m ore I am lulled by dream s, V isions of a h appier fa te . Lesya Ukrainka lated into seven languages. The U. S. edition has a preface by H is E m inence R ichard C ardinal C ushing. I t serves as an in sp ira tion to L ith u an ian wom en th ro u g h o u t th e F ree W orld. Helen Lototsky P r e p a r e t h e s t o r y o f y o u r B r a n c h f o r t h e C o n v e n t i o n B o o k HlAUIE ЖИТТЯ — ЧЕРВЕНЬ, 1965 19
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