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SCIENTIFIC ARTIST If you wind your way up th e curving steps to the top of th e old biology building of the Tor onto university, and duck through a laboratory or two, you will find a young a rtist in her studio. The p ortraits she paints there are not exactly w hat you m ight expect to find in a gal lery. They are portraits, but of strange and wonderful creatures th a t struggle on slides under m i croscopes. The a rtist is Irene Nosyk, an Ukrainian-born artist, who re settled not long ago from her native country to Canada. As the only scientific a rtist in the de partm ent, Irene draws and paints all the charts used by professors for lecture dem onstrations. Her canvasses range in size from six feet by ten to whole walls. And her models range in size from microscopic unicellular creatures to hum an beings — or parts of them . However Irene does not lim it herself to this kind of a rt entire ly. Although she loves her “in visible world,” as she calls her odd microscopic models, she works a t p ortraits and land scapes as well. She started a rt studies at the U niversity of Inns bruck, A ustria. In 1947 three of her portraits were included in a collection a t the Innsbruck gal lery. W hen the Nosyk fam ily mov ed to Toronto, Irene resum ed Irene Nosyk: Portrait study her studies a t th e Ontario Col lege of A rts. From then on her paintings were shown in differ ent exhibitions, in Toronto and New York. L ast sum m er Irene Nosyk m ade a trip to Europe. From It aly she brought pieces of old mosaic. This inlay work she stu dies carefully w ith a view to use it in her paintings. She collects different U krain ian embroideries, and has a vast knowledge of th is applied art. She also collects E aster eggs to study intricate U krainian orna m ents on them . COUNCIL OF LITHUANIAN WOMEN Dear Mrs. Lototsky: Thank you very much for sending us your excellent paper on The Essentials of March 8th in the USSR and on th e tru e situation of women in the Soviet Union. We hope th a t word of tru th had been spoken a t the Congress of th e International Federation of Democratic Wom en, though, as you say in your letter, it was sponsored by Communists. We all know th a t the so-called “achievements” of Soviet women is another big Communist lie. But th e arro gance and persistence w ith which Soviets again and again repeat th is lie misleads m any a naive W esterner. Therefore, any effort to tear off th e m ask and to show th e tru e Communist face deserves gratitude and appreci ation. Be assured th a t you can al ways count on our cooperation and support. We are sending here enclosed some m aterial which m ay be of interest to you. W ith best wishes of success to you and to your organization. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Ligia Bieliukas President Mrs. Viktoria Checheta Secretary You will obtain best information in the book WOMAN OF UKRAINE Pr i ce $1.00 Order from Ukrainian Nat i onal Women’s League 909 N. Franklin St. Philadelph i a 23, Pa. UNWLA Highlights In 1960 The U krainian National Women’s League achieved its 35th anniversary. All Regional Councils are preparing to celebrate th e event this fall, rem em bering UNW LA’s way, and achievements. Please share in it, and send your representatives. * * * All Branches founded 25 years ago, or more, will be rewarded by a special aw ard certificate. Likewise all members, who have served 25 years or more, in th eir Branches will be awarded a special pin. * * * Our Organization Chairman, Mrs. A nastasia Volker returned September 5th from th e Congress of the International Women’s Council, held in Istanbul, Turkey. On September 29th she reported about her trip to the Regional Council of UNWLA in Detroit. L ater she will visit other Councils and Branches of UNWLA. 20 НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ — ЖОВТЕНЬ, 1960 Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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