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The Ukrainian Art Studio in Philadelphia has a class in ceramics. Two vases made by Victor Korsun A COURSE IN CERAMICS IN PHILADELPHIA A few years ago th e U krain ian A rt Studio in Philadelphia started a course in ceramics. It is conducted by the ceram ist, Mrs. N atalia Stefaniw, who was trained in the United States. The last exhibition of the A rt Studio in June, 1960 displayed m any ceramics. The students follow a very definite course, which includes th e shaping of th e clay on an electrical potter’s wheel, th e fir ing of the finished article in a kiln ; and later, th e glazing and decorating of it, in a second fir ing. They have developed to a de gree where Mrs. Stefaniw en courages them to experim ent w ith a glass “drip.” This is achieved by adding silica to the outer p a rt of th e baked article, when cooled, and then giving it a second firing. The whole pro cess is a delightful adventure, especially this latter one, for the final appearance of the fa i ence, when removed from the kiln is an ever changing climax. The fusion of heat w ith the newly added silica, onto th e ori ginal article takes all sorts of shapes, and sometimes tints. These students p attern their work mostly after endemic U k rainian folk ceramics, in shape and design. Y et sometimes they skillfully adapt the original Uk rainian ideas to th eir own piece, w ithout in any way losing its pristine quality. Mostly vases and plates are produced. Some of the students create oven tiles, or children’s toys. Some very interesting vases have been made by Victor Kor sun. While he follows closely the U krainian folk design, he tends to sim plify it. Zenovia Kurylec has made a lovely tile; and also tried to use melted glass in a fram e w ith a bird. Irene Kush- nir m akes nice plates and ash tra y s ; and Myron Hanushevsky a lovely clumsy bear. A NEW PROJECT Branch 43 of UNWLA, in Phil adelphia looked for a new way to organize young m others. Very sim ple: by arranging gatherings of th eir pre-school children. Once a m onth a children’s p arty is held in th e U krainian Club, of N orth Philadelphia. They are brought by car and public transportation, on Sun day afternoons, by th eir parents. The Board members entertain them w ith a small program , and a varied buffet. The Educational Chairm an is in charge of the program . W hen th e children are assembled in the hall, they m arch around sing ing, thus presenting themselves to the audience — th eir m others and fathers. A fter th a t they s ta rt a play: one of th e m ost popular ones. Then being a little tired, the Chairm an lets them sit on th e floor, and listen to a fairy tale. She tells it w ith all details, which delights them so they often in terru p t her w ith questions, and th eir outcries. They actually live th e fairy tale w ith her. In th e m eantim e th e Board members arrange a ta sty snack on the table. The children en joy it; and among them selves pay g reat attention to all the good things. A fter th e snack, the children have a little free tim e. They form groups, and visit th eir pa rents. The hall is gay w ith the sweet voices of childhood, and th eir laughter. Friendships are form ed among these little ones, or strengthened. And th e parents? They enjoy the p arty too. In small groups around tables they exchange news over th eir coffee cups. Soon th e p arty and th e m eeting ends. It was nice. Shall we m eet again next m onth ? Thus the UNW LA Br. 43 easily unites all parents and all children; and gently initiates th e little ones into th eir first lesson in the a rt of dram atics. O U R LIFE Edited by Editorial Board Published by the Ukrainian National Women’s League of Amer i ca, Inc. 909 N. Franklin St. Philadelphia 23, Pa. Phone MA 7-7945 НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ — ЖОВТЕНЬ, 1960 19
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