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O U R E N G L I S H C O L U M N Istanbul Congress I.C.W. COMMITTEE ON MIGRATION A t the International Women’s Cong r ess in Istanbul I was as signed to the Committee on Mi gration, as a member of the USA delegation. My Ukrainian background gave me a special ap titude for this problem. I attend ed two m eetings under th e presi dency of Dr. Lucia Corcos from Italy, the proxy convener. The Committee on M igration had compiled a detailed report, examined and discussed a t th e Vienna m eeting in 1959. The ti tle of Dr. Corcos speech was “Women and M igration,” and covered different aspects of this problem. F irst she gave a gener al survey, then an intensive stu dy of m arried and single wom en’s w ay s; and th eir reactions to problems of women refugees. A special report dealt w ith H ungarian refugee girls 15-20 years of age. It was w ith deep pride th a t I recognized m any thoughts in this women refu gee’s survey were based on a paper presented by th e W orld Federation of U krainian W om en’s Organizations, a t th e World Movement of M others Study Days in Paris, 1958. Although accustomed to m i gration problems I found the Committee’s work revealing to me. The study in outline follow ed m igration under norm al condi tions ; and th e refugees. E m igra tion, from th e country of origin, was discussed; and in th e coun try of im m igration. Alm ost ev ery country involved has its own way of solving th is problem ; and its own experiences in it. As to th e situation of refu gees, th e Committee decided th ere should be no difference in th e treatm ent of refugees and im m igrants. This concept was especially emphasized to the Councils. A ttention was paid to the World Refugee Year. While much good has been accomplish ed during the past year, the problem still rem ains. The fol lowing resolution concerning this m atter was approved by the Com m ittee: led to nervous breakdowns and suicides, a t first. Even though later these became less frequent, cases of m ental illness, due to the hardship endured, still occur. The Committee on M igration is bu t a small segm ent of the vast field of work of th e I.C.W. I am glad I could serve it w ith my experience; and contribute to its achievement. “The I.C.W. expresses its sat isfaction a t th e success of the W orld Refugee Year, to which its Councils have contributed ac tively. It suggests th a t its affi liated councils continue th eir work in favor of refugees, after th e end of this year, considering th e deep distress of displaced persons, who as yet are not as sisted by th e High Com m issariat and live either in non-official camps, or under th e title of “free-livers.” The I.C.W. urges its Councils to petition all free nations to accept a larger num ber of aged and disabled persons so as to finally reduce th is hard core.” A fu rth er plan of work, out lined for th e Standing Commit tee, included study of fam ily mi gration on the refugee sid e; and failures in m igration. Also, spe cialized studies were made of various age-group problems among th e m igrants. Since 1961-62 were proclaimed Men tal Hygiene Studies Years, this form s an excellent background for this endeavor. In th e study “Ukrainian Refugees,” which the U krainian National Women’s League presented to th e Com m ittee, th is evil was especially stressed. The strains of w ar and concentration camps left traces on m any of th e re-settled. It A nastasia Volker UKRAINIAN WOMEN IN ELECTION CAMPAIGN Many outstanding women ac tive in various nationality groups are now being appointed to augm ent th e Am erican N a tionalities Advisory Committee of th e National Federation of Republican Women, it was an nounced by Mrs. P eter Gibson, President of th e Federation. In m aking th is announcement, M rs. Gibson pointed out th a t President Eisenhower won wide support among voters of nation ality groups in 1952, and again in 1956. Among women of U krainian descent, spearheading th e Am er ican N ationalities Advisory Com m ittee of th e National Federa tion of Republican women are: M rs. Helen F. D. Lototsky, Philadelphia, President, U krain ian National Women’s League of America, Inc., and Mrs. Anna W asylowski, Chicago, Board member of Branch 22 of UN W LA in Chicago, who is inter ested in U krainian and A m eri can activities, and community a f fairs. 18 НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ — ЖОВТЕНЬ, 1960 Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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