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RESUME OF ACTIVITIES — BRANCH #37 for year 1979 January 9 LUNCHEON BUSINESS MEETING: Talk on nutrition given. Also, attended luncheon — Jan. 27 — sponsored by Br. 58 at St. John’s Church. January 28 — Attended ANNUAL REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETING: Election of officers: donated Cakes Febr. 1 3 - LUNCHEON BUSINESS MEETING: Extolled our patron Lesya Ukrainka: poetry. March 13 — MEMBERSHIP-DRIVE LUNCHEON — invited guests: Program — Pysanka symbolism with slides; talk on Ukr. traditional art — history — immmigration; 3 potential members materialized in September. March 22 — Attended Annual Luncheon Fashion Show at Detroit Yacht Glub given by Federation of Women’s Clubs of Metropolitan Detroit. April 13 — LUNCHEON BUSINESS MEETING: Recipe Book Workshop: $75.00 contribution sent Ukr. Village Bldg. Fund in memory of Mrs. Senne (ex-president & UNWLA volunteer) May 1 — TELEGRAM sent to PRES. JAMES CARTER upon release from Russia of two Ukrainian dissidents to United States: V. Moroz & Rev. Geo. Vins. May 8 LUNCHEON BUSINESS MEETING: $11.00 contributed to Bldg. Fund in memory of Mary Worobec (President’s mother). Also, tickets purchased by members of Br. 37 ($1,050.00) comprised our participation in Ukr. Village Building FUND BANQUET set for June 9th. June 9 — Participation by 10 members (20 including husbands) attending above BLDG. FUND BANQUET at Youth Center in Warren, Mich. June 12 — ANNUAL MEETING & FAREWELL LUNCHEON: Election of officers & gift giving to Olga Shuster, past president leaving for missionary work as school principal in Lima, Peru (S. America). Her photo & story was sent to "Our Life”, appearing in September issue. ALSO, MOROZ RALLY — Fitzgerald High School — took place — (members). July 12 — Some members attended Chapter 58’s Card Party Luncheon — proceeds for Ukr. Village (Bldg. Fund ( July 22 — SUMMER VACATION. We participated in Detroit REGIONAL COUNCIL PICNIC at ’’Dibrova” estate — proceeds for Bldg. Fund donated "kapusta” — ’’holuptci” — baked goods — plus 2 members volunteered kitchen work. July 27 — SUMMER VACATION. Participated in Ukr. ETHNIC FESTIVAL at Detroit’s riverfront HART PLAZA helping sell in Regional Council Booth (for Bldg. Fund). 28 & 29 Sept. 11 — First FALL LUNCHEON MEETING. New President — Present banking situation explained; discussion; Program — Christmas embroidery stitchery. A L S O , o n S e p t . 2 3 , some attended 45th Anniversary Dinner of Branch 5. October 9 — LUNCHEON BUSINESS MEETING. N. Y. Museum Raffle tickets sold — $15.00. XMAS embroidery. October 20 — Participated in Mrs. Moroz’Tea given by Regional Council and we donated $20.00, as specifically stated in my letter Oct. 22 to Hdqrtrs. In commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the Ordination to the Priesthood of Ver. Rev. Dr. Volodymyr Gavlich, OSBM, a donation of $15.00 is made by Rosalie Polche to the UNWLA PUBLICATION FUND, and together with New York Regional Council extends ’’beat wishes” and "Mnohaya Lita” to Rev. Dr. Gavlich. November 4 — ANNUAL SOYUZANKA DAY DINNER well attended by us — 12 members. ALSO, participated in Boutique Bazaar — donating proceeds Bldg. Fund. November 13 — Membership Drive Luncheon: Dr. Phillip Grillo, Speaker — "Strokes and Heart Trouble — derived no new members. Short business meeting. December 8 — MEETING CANCELLED. Christmas Bazaar participation — St. Josephat Churchhall. (Bldg. Fund) N О T E : As new president, have attended ALL REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETINGS Postscript 1: IMPORTANT SOCIAL SERVICE WORK CONTRIBUTED BY MEMBERS — 6 month period: One member (Fortuna) had major surgery necessitating hospital therapy sessions 5 times weekly at first — later dwindling members took turns at volunteering transportation, shopping, etc. Postscript 2: We are very pround that several of our Branch 37 members have been serving our Ukrainian community through the Detroit Regional Council as follows: Buildings Fund Chairperson— Anastasia Volker responsible for Bldg. Fund for senior citizens housing in Warren — a Regional Council project) ALSO: serving on Detroit Ukrainian Ethnic Festival Executive Board Auditor — Myrtle Slaby (Board) (at one time, served as President of Detr. Regional Council) PRESS — SOPHIE ANDERSON Compiled by: Sophie Anderson, Pres. (37) Sophie Small, Rec. Secretary Д о к і н ч е н и й : І. Ф Р А Н К О будуть його мати або по-шляхецьки за робоче звіря, або по-демократичному за елемент політично недозрілий, який потребує сталої опіки, або по соціял-демократичному за елемент духово упосліджений, який ліпше повинен бути зовсім знищений, перевихований на с о ц іа л із м і ’’спролетаризований”. ”... ’’Тут хлоп, тут шляхтич! Це перше найважливіше панівне суперництво (Gegensatz) в політичному житті Галичини, ключ до зрозуміння не одної загадки...” 8. Евген Маланюк, Книга спостережень. Проза. Торонто, Онт. 1962, стр. 84 9. Ivan Franko, Beitrage zur Geschichte und Kultur der Ukraine. Herausgegeben und eingeleitet von E. Winter and P. Kirchner. Akademie-Verlag Berlin 1963, S. IX+577 24 НАШ Е ЖИТТЯ, ТРАВЕНЬ 1980 Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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