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NEW YORK WOMENS FOLK ART EXHIBITION Visitors from around the New York area who make the annual trek to the Park Avenue Arm ory in hopes of picking up a little treasure to add to their U krain ian folk art collection, or to give as a special Christmas gift, cer tainly were not disappointed this year. Many thanks are due the la dies of the Soyuz U krainok head ed by Mrs. K. Peleshok who stocked their U krainian booth with a lovely collection of mod ern Ukrainian ceramics, embroi deries, dolls, woo-d carvings and other samples of the modern han dicraft of Ukrainian women now in this country. It was a pleasure, after so many years of searching for examples of U krainian handi craft — to see such a wealth of fine things to choose from. It was a pleasure too, to watch non-U k rainians appreciate the good taste — of the booth, of the designs in the handicraft, of the entertain ment, of the costumes and, of course, of the charm ing ladies. An added fillip of pleasure was the exquisite shadow-box m inia ture of the interior of a Ukrainian home of the Kossaek Era, work of Mira ITordynska. Here was very tangible evidence that our culture is not recent thing. This, as well as some fine costumes and one or two of other Ukrainian things displayed at this year's W omen’s International Exhibi tion of Folk A rts and Crafts, de serve a perm anent exhibit room somewhere in New York. W hy not at the fine Ukrainian Insti tute on Fifth Avenue? Soyuz U krainok also loaned the museum pieces of rare hand- woven textiles and costumes dis played in a separate booth, about which an inform ative pamphlet gave interesting notes. For the visitor’s pure enjoym ent was the booth sponsored by th e New York U krainian W om en’s Exhibition Committee, where this year’s exhibit took the form of an art gallery, showing the works of modern U krainian paint ers and sculptors. A fine cata logue of the works displayed was free for the asking. Interesting’ was the modern dress of the la dies in attendance at the booth. Each attractive gown was adapt ed from parts of the Ukrainian costume. Ukrainian entertainm ent was regularly provided during the week, and climaxed on the fin al Saturday, Ukrainian Day, with the W alter and Nina Baead Dance Groups perform ing for the after noon program . The fine evening program included the Roman L e vitsky Bandurist Ensemble, sop rano Hanna 5herey, and the bal let ensemble of the Valentine Pe- reyaslavetz Ballet School.— M.M. (“Svoboda” W eekly.) UKRAINIAN-AMERICAN LEADERS MET WITH DULLES W ASHINGTON, D.. C. — Am erican leaders of various groups of Ukrainian ancestry, represent ing about one and a half million citizens, met Oct. 24, 1956, with Secretary of State Dulles for a 45-minute conference on foreign policy issues dealing with Com munist colonial imperialism and Eastern Europe. Members of the group confer red with Mr. Dulles on a wide range of problems and their re action was unanimo'us in regard to the satisfactory conduct of the m eeting and the frankness and sincerity with which the Secre tary treated the many questions posed by the group. The Ukrainian organized wo men were represented by Mrs. Helen Lototsky, President of UNWLA, V ice-President of the Ukrainian Congress Committee and of the United Ukrainian A m erican Relief Committee. O U R LIFE Edited by Editorial Board Published by the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America» Inc. 909 N. Franklin St. Philadelphia 23, Pa. Phone MA 7-7945 The display of folk-art by the U krainian National W omen’s League of America at the W omen’s International Exposition in New York.
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