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UKRAINIAN WOMAN OUR ENGLISH COLUMN The Revolt in Hungary The armed revolt of the Hun garian people against the Soviet occupation has shaken the whole Free World. The press has been following breathlessly the heroic struggle, and reporting on it min utely. From these reports we gather about tihe attitude o-f Ma gyar women who have been as sisting the rebels, clutching hand grenades and making Molotov •cocktails. Margaret Higgins, the foreign correspondent of New York Herald Tribune, who has recently been granted the 1956 Achievement Award of the Amer ican Women’s Association, said in her telegram from Budapest that ‘the real women of achievement of 1956 were the women of Hun gary.” The Ukrainian women under stand this profoundly. For the Ukrainian people are under bol shevik yoke not 12 but over 36 years by now. These have been the years of excruciating suffer ings, however, the resistance of the people has never .ceased. The Ukrainian women went through many a rising in arms, through various ways of resistance. To mention only their active and passive resistance to collectiviza tion of the Ukrainian farmers. As is known, this resistance had been crushed by an artificial fraudu lent, government-made famine which had cost the Ukrainian people 7,000,000 lives. During World War II, when Ukraine was overrun, first by the nazis and then by the bolsheviki, the Ukrainians organized the Ukrainian Army of Resistance (UPA) which has been combat ing the invaders ever since. There have been many women in its ranks who have been serving as nurses, couriers and commissar ies. They all have had military training, and have been able to handle arms in emergency. Many of them have given their lives de fending underground posts and hospital’s. Numerous Ukrainian women have been deported to concentration camps in Siberia and Kazakhstan. Yet even there they refused to abandon their will to resist the enemy of the Uk rainian people. Even as compul sory slave laborers they have been organizing strikes and have been leading in organizing stub born resistance against the pris on authorities. Last spring a grim news came from behind the Iron Curtain — about the frightful murder of 500 Ukrainian women during the strike in the concentration camp at Kingir, in the moment when they, linking their hands to one another, marched, singing a song, against the un rushing tanks. This news was brought to the Free World by the Hungarian physi cian, Dr. Varkony, who as one of the inmates of the Kingir camp had witnessed this slaughter, and has deeply felt and -understood it. Hence in the moment when the people of Hungary are bleeding, and the thousands o.f Hungarian youth are being deported to re mote concentration camps of Rus sia, the Ukrainian women have sympathy with them and full un derstanding for tiheir cause. W it nessing the tragic events our hearts are bleeding. For we are still suffering the very same tor menting under bolshevik barbar ians. But this is not going to break our determination to work for freedom of all peoples in all countries. Therefore, we call upon all w o men who escaped from countries enslaved by red Moscow*. Get ready! Our mission in the Free World summons all our strength. The struggle against the bolshe- vig tyranny is bringing together all freedom-loving peoples for united action! The Free World understands already the danger and is willing to help! Hungary is not defeated n'o matter how many tanks will still be brought to Budapest. Red Moscow can kill many rebels, but it shall never succeed in killing the spirit and the will of the na tion to be free and independent from the tyranny of invaders. RENOWNED UKRAINIAN SINGER IN EUROPE A recent concert at the inter national festival in Luzerne, Switzerland, directed by the Ger man composer Hindemith, has again marked off with distinction the singer Eugenie Zaritska. This young Ukrainian artist studied in Vienna and Italy, and now re sides in London. Her beautiful soprano is heard often in the music halls and on the radio of Europe. Her latest rendition of Hindemith's compo sition prompted the European press to honor her by a mark of preference. Eugenie Zaritska was born at Lviv, W est Ukraine. After grad uating from the school of music at Rome, she made her debut in La Seala, Milano, and in 1946 with the Symphonic Orchestra of Lon don. Ever since she has been tour ing England, France, Holland and Switzerland. Her presentations are always new since her charm ing voice and subtle musicality are actuating her to ever harder tasks. This moment has been stressed by the critics on occa sion of her latest appearance in Switzerland. Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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