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’’Come down and thank the Brothers." My father picked me up in his arms and I kissed everyone’s hard, iron-like hand. In return, I received a kreutzer from each of the Brothers. And when the palm of my hand could not hold so many kreutzers, my mother took them from me and tied them in a red kerchief. My lips swelled from so much kissing, but I kissed every last one of them. Then my father carried me back to the top of the clay-stove. I fell asleep very happy. The money the Brothers had given me was soon spent, but the cannons behind me roar like thunder to this very day. 1. The top of clay-stove in a village cottage was flat. The peasants slept there and, in winter, kept warm. 2. A tribe roaming on the territory of Ukraine about a thousand years ago. 3; Basil. (From "The Stone Cross” Publ. for Stefanyk Centennial Committee. Trans. J. Wiznuk) MOTRIA KUSHNIR WOMAN VIEWS & NEWS IN WOMAN'S WORLD Law, medicine, engineering and business are unquestionably four of the highest-paying career fields. Until the last decade they were also traditional bastions of the professional male. But no longer. The male of the species is finding that the number of women with whom one must compete has tripled in the last nine years. Moreover, men will find that the ladies are pushing for an even greater share of the action. A study con ducted by the American Council on Education reveals that among college freshmen one female in six plans to enter one of these four fields; nine years ago only about one in 20 female students planned to do so. This year, for the first time since 1969, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration will recruit can didates for the nation’s astronaut corps. The new group is expected to include engineers, scientists and other technical specialists who are not pilots. The reason for the change is the development of the space shuttle, a new craft that may open space doors previously closed to all but a few. Among those who were not, but now will be, encouraged to apply are qualified women. Since the astronaut program re cruited candidates from among military test pilots — who were all men — women had little chance of being involved in the country’s space exploration. With the shift in policy one more barricade falls away and will perhaps clear the way for a woman to take one small step that will represent a giant leap for womankind. The women’s movement has tradi tionally been most vocal and influential in English-speaking countries; however, the status of women is undergoing sig nificant changes on a world-wide basis. For example: under Giscard d’Estaing’s administration French women have gained much more visibility and, one would assume, power in the govern ment. Five female ministers serve on d’Estaing’s Cabinet: Simone Veil, health; Francoise Giroud, women’s affairs; Helene Dorlhac, penal reform; Alice S aunier-S eite, un ive rsitie s; and Christiane Scrivener, consumer in terests. Under Ford’s administration only one woman served on the Cabinet: Carla Hills, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; Valerie Andre has been named the first female general in the French army — at least since Joan of Arc. A 54-year-old doctor, parachutist and helicopter pilot, she has had more experience under fire than many of the male officers of her generation in Western Europe. She has been decorated with the Croix de Guerre and the Legion of Honor. With the re cent appointment, General Andre now outranks her husband, a colonel in the reserves. Television is not, nor has it ever been, a girl's best friend. The image of woman The sparks fly up and touch the petals of a star Which lets forth its fragrance and listens to the lingering sounds Of the music played in Deep Indigo upon a leaf; O lya S h e w c h u k presented on prime-time TV is still a very poor one. The United Methodist Church TV-monitoring Project has published a report which states: ’’mostly women are n o t portrayed as profession al, well-trained and educated, compe tent persons.” While the programs do not present positive role-models for the viewing public — and are particularly damaging to young viewers — the commercials are even greater offenders. For the ads "designed with Mothers in mind,” the fe male consumer is shown to be an empty-headed, incompetent drudge concerned with only ring-around-the- collar, greasy oil, baggy pantyhose and squeezeable toilet tissue. For those ads directed at capturing male attention, wo men are used in a "decorative” capa city, as it were. In response to pressure from lobbying groups who would like to see some improvement in advertising me thods, the publicists respond with the same old excuse — namely, ads are to sell products, not to give us social messages. The point they fail to recog nize is that every ad, good or bad, does more than just sell soap; built into the image are implicit messages which have a profound impact on societal attitudes. Ultimately, it is up to the public to boy cott products if the advertising is offensive. This is the only way that we can let the image-makers know that their methods need to be upgraded. 30 НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ, ГРУДЕНЬ 1976 Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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