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Portrayal of Christmas Traditions The Ukrainian National Wom en’s League of America, Branch 22 in Chicago sponsored the Uk rainian Christmas Around the World Program at the Museum of Science and Industry on Thursday, Dec. 17, 1964. The children of the St. Nicho las Cathedral School, under the direction of their Program Chairman, Sister M. Bernarda presented a beautiful program in the afternoon. Sister M. Justine presented her group of students and they portrayed, in panto mime — The Ukrainian Christ mas Traditions and variety of foods. Luba Marushka was the narrator. The second part of the program consisted of Ukrainian dances by our boys and girls who were well trained in this art by Sr. M. William. Olga Plachtyn- sky sang a solo — 0 Holy Night and Silent Night. The Girls Cho rus of the St. Nicholas Cathedral School sang many reverent Christmas Hymns and Carols, conducted by Sr. M. Tharsilla. While at the Museum our chil dren had an opportunity to take part in the Disneyland, Tele phone and TV Program. Speak ing over the telephone and being seen in Disneyland, in Califor nia, they told the listeners about their participation in the Ukrain ian Christmas Program, at the Museum, where they portrayed the Ukrainian traditions and cus toms. They displayed their beautiful Ukrainian costumes, showed off their long braids, sang a few Christmas carols and wished everyone in California a Very Merry Ukrainian Christ mas. During the evening perfor mance, the combined choirs of the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America and the Sla- Certainly these two projects do not encompass all possibilities of international cooperation of our organization. But there may arise other endeavors at the be ginning of 1965. We shall wel come every thought and idea in this field. vuta Choir of the St. Nicholas Cathedral, under the direction of Dr. Yaroslaw Kokorudz, render ed many beautiful hymns and carols. The Ukrainian National Wom en’s League of America Choir presented a colorful picture, dressed in their Ukrainian cos tumes of the Borshchiw region, when they sang a repertory of unique miniature folk carols. Mr. Stephen Kosowsky, ballet master of the SUMA Ballet Group, members of the Ukrain ian Youth Association of Amer ica, assembled the most popular and colorful folk dances, depict ing the heritage of Ukraine. The dancers in our national costumes added gaiety and sparkle to the program. Mr. John Bordachiw- skyj accompanied the dancers, on his accordian. The narrator was Mrs. Anna Wasylowsky. She also delivered an address on the Ukrainian Christmas customs and tradi tions and wished everyone pres ent a Merry Christmas, in the traditional Ukrainian phrase — “Chrystos Razdajetsia.” Credit must be given to Mrs. Solomia Kawka, who prepared the stage decorations portraying Ukrainian embroidery; to all the ladies that prepared the Ukrain ian dinner, which was served in the dining room of the Museum and especially to Mrs. Olena Chuba and Mrs. Anhelyna Maj- k a ; to Mrs. Irene Rakusz, Misses Oksana Jarymowycz, Maria Iwasczuk and Messers. Borys Ja rymowycz, George Senek and Da mian Chuchuk, who decorated the Christmas tree with decora tions of Ukrainian motifs, and to Mrs. Zenovia Lytwynyshyn, our hostess. Among those present were: Mr. Myron Fedoriw, whose mu sical arrangement of the Christ mas Anthem was sung by both choirs, Mrs. Maria Jarymowycz, Vice-President of the Executive Committee of the UNWLA and Mrs. Luba Szandra, President of the UNWLA Regional Council of Chicago. The Ukrainian National Wom en’s League of America, Branch 22 is grateful to Dr. Yaroslaw Kokorudz in directing their choir and for his kind efforts in ar ranging a varied repertoire of Christmas hymns, carols and folk songs for this program. One of the aims of the UN WLA of Branch 22 is to pre serve and promote Ukrainian traditions, language and art. For many years it has found great satisfaction and pleasure in pre senting the Ukrainian culture to the American people. At present, Mrs. Sophia Krupka is Presi dent. Anna Wasylowsky, Chairman Public Relations UNWLA UKRAINIAN PROGRAM OF SONGS AND DANCES The Ukrainian dancers who are members of Branch 85 will participate in the United Ukrain ian Program of Songs and Dances, sponsored by the Uk rainian Congress Committee of America on Sunday, February 14th, 2 p.m. at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. The program is a repeat of the World’s Fair program held July 19th at the Singer Bowl. Choreography by Vadym Sulyma, choral and or chestra will be directed by John Zadorozny. This will be a very lively and enjoyable program fit for the whole family. A part of the program entitled “The Trials and Tribulations of a Village Suitor” features Mr. Sulima as the village suitor and his solo is outstanding. He also dances a duet with Natalka playing the daughter of parents portrayed by Mrs. Kay Symchik and Mr. Walter Bacad who want her to marry a rich suitor played by Mr. Roman Petrina. This is part comedy full of hilarious panto mime to music. The pranksters discourage the rich suitor and clear the way for the young suitor to get the consent of the parents customary in marriages. The program is 2 hours and 45 minutes. K. S. 20 НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ — СІЧЕНЬ, 1965 Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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