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- U k r a i n i a n W o m a n - Our Pamphlet International Cooperation Year Sometime ago our English- speaking Branches requested a pamphlet giving necessary infor mation about UNWLA, its ori gin, its means of work and its goals. It was necessary, not only for our old members, but the new, and prospective ones and finally for other women's organ izations, whom we contact. In September 1964, after a long preparation we got i t ; and it now includes a detailed history of UNWLA and its different fields of work. It was much discussed, then re-writte and finally appeared in its short form. The abundant material having been reduced to 10 nar row pages, with illustrations. The front page is decorated with the monument of Lesya Uk rainka. She became a symbol of ardent love for her country and of striving towards freedom. The monument was erected by the Regional Council of UNWLA in Cleveland and is, up until now, the only monument of the poet ess. Is it not linked profoundly with our work? The introductory words about UNWLA and it goals are truly very good. Information about cultural activities, welfare, edu cation, public relations and or ganizational work follow. All is rounded up, on the end cover, by the address of UNWLA, flanked by two leaves of “kaly- na,” the beloved and praised Uk rainian bush. This fine piece of work was done by Mrs. Barbara Bachyn- sky, a member of UNWLA Audit Committee, aided by Mrs. Mary Dushnyk, Organizational Chair man and was accomplished in a short time. Think this over, member You know right from wrong, Are you an active member Or do you just belong? As the anniversary of the United Nations neared there arose the idea of a special dedica tion. At the suggestion of India’s Prime Minister Nehru it should have become an International Cooperation Year. And this idea was accepted by its member or ganizations. They hoped to make known the amount of coopera tive effort undertaken by and to provide an impetus for the ac celeration of international co operative efforts. Therefore 1965 was proclaimed an Interna tional Cooperation Year. For this purpose a Prepara tory Committee was founded which worked out an ICY pro gram. A special effort was made to create a public image of inter national cooperation based on an awareness of the many UN ac tivities to solve economic and so cial problems which are common to all nations. The Conference Group of U.S. National Organizations, on the United Nations worked out a special program for all volun tary organizations. It seems that each organization could includo itself in this drive. Even through small efforts cooperative actions can be created and reinforced. Therefore organizations were asked to plan projects and to propose them through their Headquarters. The Ukrainian National Wom en’s League was notified of it by the National Council of Women of the United States of America. At the Biennial Meeting in Oct. 1964, the Board passed a resolu tion in support of 1965 as Inter national Cooperation Year and called upon individual and organ izational members “to strength en and expand” the activities of international cooperation. In De cember 1964 the Bulletin of the National Council asked us to launch an international project for publication. In our own work, we try to solve economic and social prob lems of women. Therefore our striving, in the international field is also aimed to strengthen ties in this direction or study problems of this kind. Our projects we based on for mer achievements and experi ences, taking in consideration that only well prepared actions could succeed. We chose one cha rity project and one economic problem to work out. 1. Adopt a Grandmother. It is a project working since 1958 among our Branches. They adopted old Ukrainian women in Europe, helping them with small amounts of money, women’s ma gazines, and Christmas gifts. This action eased their loneliness and made them feel more confi dent for their future. Until now 32 UNWLA Branches adopted a grandmother of Ukrainian de scent in France, Germany, Aus tria, Poland and Czechoslovakia. On the basis of this experience, women of all national groups, resettled to USA could develop this project for their old women in Europe, or other continents. _ 2. Study the Folk Art Produc tion. Many agricultural coun tries are exploiting their folk art for economic purposes, pro ducing souvenirs, textiles, em broideries, pottery and jewelry. The production is mainly the work of women. However, when put on a com mercial basis, the work often lacks a true artistic value and women workers are underpaid. With some care and good will this problem could be solved. Our project is to form a study work shop for folk art production, in various countries. The group should consist of folk art special ists and economists. НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ — СІЧЕНЬ, 1965 19
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