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Ukrainian Easter Eggs Easter Time Slavonic nations . . Yes indeed, literary citizenship throughout the entire world; and establish ing forever th e U krainian lan guage as a vehicle for its free dom. Two days after his death came th e Czar’s ukase freeing the serfs. And now from his birthplace and burial place, near together, on Dnieper’s rig h t bank his voice rises again this year, this tim e to sound over all the earth. Born 1814, Feb. 25 — Morinz- tsy, Zvenihorod, district, Gov’t of Kiev, on Dnieper’s rig h t bank. Died 1861, Feb. 26 — So deep was his love for his birthplace and early life, th a t on being re leased from prison he tried to buy land in the town of Mezhi- rich near it, but th e sale was not consumated. He hum bly wanted w hat is commonplace to other m en: a home, a wife and children. He was to complete his destiny bereft of them . 24 years a s e rf ; 9 years a freem an ; 10 years a prisoner in Siberia; 4 years under police surveillance. OUR L IFE m agazine owes its copy of th e Congressional Rec ord relative to the Shevchenko Statue to Mrs. F. P. Dwyer, M.C., New Jersey, 6th D istrict, who also paid trib u te in an address to th e House. Dr. Lev E. Dobrian- sky is the author of Resolution 311. Readers m ay be interested in securing a copy of the 45 page House of Representatives Docu m ent No. 445 “Europe’s Freedom F ig h ter” — T aras Shevchenko. It is the first W estern govern m ent publication in honor of any U krainian hero. Jean Wolcott Piper O U R LIFE Edited by Edito r ial Board Published by the Uk r ainian National Women’s League of America, Inc. 909 N. Franklin St. Philadelphia 23, Pa. Phone MA 7-7945 E aster tim e was announced ear ly in m y childhood in different ways. The w arm th of th e sun, the chirping of the birds were the first signs of the coming spring. But the m ost assuring sign of the approaching E aster holiday was the arrival of my brothers. Studying in th e near by town Stanyslaviv, they came for E aster vacations. It was for me a great event. E asy to understand my great joy. Being the youngest child in the family, I was fondled by my parents and my big sister. B ut I was lonely. And the company of m y brothers brought me m any varieties. Especially Vlodko, the younger brother was fond of me. Although ten years my senior, he did not complain about my pre-occupying him. As soon as he appeared in our house, I got hold of him, for all the tim e of his vacation. It m eant very much for me. In his company, I could rove through the village; I could look for the first flowers in th e ad joining fo rest; I could stay awake later in th e evening. I had more freedom. My parents, re assured through his attention, did not supervise me as closely as usual. As soon as he arrived we s ta rt ed our preparations. For E aster tim e demanded a great deal from him, th e teen-age son of a priest. He was a good singer, and al ways joined in our church choir. Now he had to encourage th e village youth to take p a rt also. He visited his schoolmates, and invited them to come to th e re hearsals. The E aster Mass had to be specially beautiful. It was so interesting for me to listen and to adm ire my beloved bro ther. And later on a new task — the building up of the Lord’s grave in our church. We carried stones and moss into the church, where my brother and fellow teen-agers were a t work. Then a group of children roved through the slopes to look for violets and anemones. How proud I was to bring the largest clus te r . . . And my brother gave me credit for it by laying it in th e best place. Now th e Lord’s grave is ready. His body will be pu t here on Good Friday. How sorry I felt for His suffering in this m om ent; how I longed for His resurrection . . . But the m ourning has to last three days yet. All is quiet in our house because Jesus C hrist was crucified. There is no loud talk ing, singing or laughter in our fam ily; and it is very hard for me to keep so quiet. Vlodko is my model and I have to please him. Even th e church bells are silent. B ut Vlodko seeks to m ake up my lack of joy, and construc ted a small, wooden rattle. All children clatter; and even th e sacristan is using it instead of the bell sound in these three days. B ut my rattle is b etter and louder than th e others. It НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ — БЕРЕЗЕНЬ, 1961 17
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