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UNWLA Highlights A fter summer recreation the UNW LA members are coming back to their patriotic work with new vigor and eagerness. The first m eet ings in September are usually full of good plans and propositions. Let us view what might be ahead of us. D uring the dog days there appeared problems on the international horizon, particularly in the Near East, that alarmed the peoples -every where. Also the Ukrainian world experienced an unusual sensation after the letters of Ukrainian political prisoners in Soviet concentra tion camps have reached the Free W orld. W e are w riting more about the letter, sent by Ukrainian women political prisoners, in our edit orial. In the immediate future the conferences of the Regional Councils of UNW LA will take place in several large cities. Our Central Office has sent out last spring the outlines for discussions (organizational problems, social work, by-laws), still a regional -conference may also have subjects of it own, relative to its own fields of activity. It is de sirable th at as many members as possible from the vicinity should take p art in the conference. This may surely enlivens the debates and contributes to interchange of ideas as well as to crystalization of thoughts and resolutions. the UNW LA, taking the name of the Ukrainian poetess, Olena T e liha, for the club. Olena Teliha club was first o r ganized in June 1947. We will, therefore, be celebrating our 10th Anniversary next year. This club has gro-wn through the years and we still have members that originated the club and with our additions the membership totals to approxim ately twenty-five. Our officers are as follow s: P res ident: Olga Hubchik, Vice P resi dent : Nell Sosnowsky, Recording S ecretary: Olga Tanchen, Corres ponding S ecretary: Olga Karpin- ka, T reasurer. 04ga Solovey and H istorian: Olga Yaremy. Each year, as the years have gone by, Branch 58 has striven to present one annual affair, the proceeds being used for charit able purposes. To date, the club has sponsored the showing of a spectacular movie of Ukrainian Christmas Customs .in 1947; in 1948 an afternoon concert honor ing three noted Ukrainian wom en, Olena Teliha, K haritya Ko- nonenko and Ludmila Staritska C hernyakhiw ska; April, 1950, and May, 1951, brought two hil arious Dixieland M instrel Shows with all the girls in blackface; a vaudeville show lit up the U k rainian National Temple in May, 1952, featuring a Gypsy dance, ITawaian dance and songs galore ; once again the club brought fun and laughter to a capacity audi- encc with a W estern Revue in 1953; we had a splendid H i-Fi Follies Show in 1954; and our last was a M asquerade Ball and Show. Through the proceeds of these various shows Branch 58 was able to purchase a sound film projec tor which was presented to the St. Basil Orphanage in Philadel phia, Pa., which houses orphans of Ukrainian descent, as well as to contribute to St. John the Bap tist Ukrainian Catholic School, Crusade for Freedom. W e like wise made children’s toys for the Orphanage, donated to the N a tional Nephrosis Foundation, to Mrs. Ki si lev ska Memorial Fund and to the Radio Program s spon sored by the D etroit Regional Council. It is also an annual custom to have a dinner for our members, to hold a Christmas P arty which is enjoyed by our friends and husbands, a card party is also held with proceeds for charity. Our members are often called upon to model Ukrainian cos tumes and act as hostesses at functions to inform Americans of our culture. A M other’s Day Tea was held with a setting of can dles, corsages, tea and finger sandw iches; we had a small pro gram which was later followed by community singing, consisting of Ukrainian songs. W e hope our M others enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed presenting the pro gram. As the years go on we hope to continue enjoying, learning, shar ing and furthering Ukrainian re lations among our group of girls who keep a decided interest in the project at hand. W ith this in mind Branch 58 wishes to extend their thanks to all those who m o rally and financially have encour aged our young group. Olga Hubchik, Pres. Branch 58, Olena Teliha Club Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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