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A Pair of Conferees from India Two of th e m ost popular and active women a t th e recent In tern atio n al Council of W om en Conference in W ashington, D. C. w ere M rs. S hehera F. D. N ana vati, P resid en t of th e N ational Council of W omen of India, and M rs. N ibha W alaw alkar, its Gen eral S ecretary. A ttired in th eir gracefully draped saris, th e tall, gray-eyed M rs. N anavati and th e p etite, dark-eyed M rs. W alaw al k a r m ade m any friends not only a t th e Conference b u t th ro u g h ou t th e U nited S tates w hich th ey to u red on a 60-day L eadership G rant from th e U. S. S ta te De p artm e n t. M rs. N anavati, a P a rsi (a p er son of Z oroastrian fa ith de scended from P ersians settled in In d ia ), w as educated in India and has tw o adopted daughters, one a d en tist and th e o th er a m icrobiologist. H er husband is a cotton expert fo r th e Indian G overnm ent. M rs. N anavati is a m em ber of th e Bom bay M ayor’s By Mary Dushnyck Com m ittee, w hich, am ong other things, raises funds fo r disas ters, and she is C hairm an of th e fund-raising C om m ittee of th e N ational A ssociation fo r th e Blind. She is also active in th e Lion’s Club of B om b ay ; th e W om en’s A uxiliary, of w hich she is a p a st president and w hich w orks w ith hospitals, th e blind and play c e n te rs ; th e Bom bay V igilance A ssociation, and th e M oral and Social H ygiene A ss’n. She also serves on th e A dvisory C om m ittees of several govern m ent agencies concerned w ith im proving th e conditions of th e handicapped and beggars. The NCW of India was organ ized 40 years ago and a t p resen t has 14 sta te councils each of w hich in tu rn has its own dis tric t branches and affiliated lo cal w om en’s societies. The NCW and th e sta te councils are con sulted before passage of m ost governm ent legislation re g ard ing women and children, as well as slum clearance and prison re form , and th e NCW helps th e governm ent and non-governm en ta l agencies in m ost p rojects p ertain in g to wom en and chil dren. The NCW pilot p rojects fo r th e n ex t 3 years are child wel fa re and h an d icrafts in Goa, a p rim ary school fo r children in th e Presidency P rison in C alcut ta, a new building fo r w elfare activities in M ah a rash tra S tate, and a condensed course fo r adult women, as well as th e slum clear ance in New Delhi. The NCW of India w orks closely w ith U N I C EF and UNESCO fo r th e b e t term e n t of conditions fo r wom en and children. M rs. N anavati said “th e g re a t est problem India has to face to day is th e population explosion.” The Republic of India (a m em ber of th e Com m onw ealth of N a tions) has a population of ap proxim ately 450,000,000 w ith H indus form ing th e bulk or 85% , M oslems num bering 40,000,000, C hristians 8,500,000, Sikhs 6,- 000,000, B uddhists 3,000,000, P arsis, 100,000, Jew s 30,000, etc. It has an area of 1,221,88 square m iles (U kraine has 232,046 sq. m i.). The sta te language is H in di, spoken by h alf of th e popula tion, w ith U rdu spoken by th e Moslem 10% . E nglish is spoken th ro u g h o u t India. A sked w h at im pressed h e r m ost on h er to u r of th e U.S.A., M rs. N an av ati replied she w as p articu larly in terested in th e vo lu n ta ry services rendered to our hospitals and w elfare in stitu tions by wom en and especially by boys and girls of h igh school and college level, and she w as m ost appreciative of th e g rac iousness of h er A m erican hosts. M rs. N ibha W alaw alkar’s sm all sta tu re and youthfulness is like a hum an dynam o. The gen eral secretary of th e NCW of In dia is a jo u rn alist and book re view er. In addition, she is a m em ber of th e M ah a rash tra S tate W om en’s Council, as C hair m an of th e C hildren’s R ecreation P ictured at the art exhibit at the 75th A nniversary International Council of W omen Conference in W ashington, D. C., are left to right: Mrs. Nibha W alaw alkar, G eneral Secretary of the N ational Council of Women of India and journalist; Mrs. M ary Dushnyck, UNWLA O rganization C hair man, Public Relations Chairm an of the New Y ork UNWLA Regional Council, and P resident of Branch 72 of New York; and Mrs. Shehera N anavati, P resident of the N ational Council of Women of India and m em ber of the Bombay M ayor’s Com mittee. (This photo also appeared in the New Y ork D aily News, Kings Sec. of A ugust 7, 1963). Н А Ш Е Ж И Т Т Я — Ж О В Т Е Н Ь , 1 9 6 3 15
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