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O n Ukrainian Theme DAUGHTER OF SOUZANKA AN EXCHANGE STUDENT IN AUSTRIA Popular am ong U krainians is V era Rich, young E nglish poet ess. A sm all collection of poem s from T aras Shevchenko’s “Song out of D arkness,” tran slate d by h er w as published on th e occa sion of his centenary. In h er own poem s V era Rich often includes topics from U k rai nian history. H er recently com posed “E lizabeth, th e W ise K ing’s D a u g h te r” is one of them . This poem will be broadcast by th e O rkney and N o rth Scotland netw ork of BBC th is autum n and will appear in “H eritage of D ream s,” a collection of poems w hich th e O rkneyans (the people of th e O rkney Islands) had in vited h er to prepare. T his poem w as w ritten a t B irsay, w hich in th e m iddle eleventh century was th e seat of governm ent. The historical background of th e poem is th is : E lizabeth, th e d au g h ter of Y a roslav M udryi was th e w ife of H arald H ardrada, kin g of N or way, who, in 1066 invaded E n g land in a vain a tte m p t to win th e th ro n e from H arald Godwins- son, king of th e E nglish. E liza b eth w as le ft in O rkney (a t th a t tim e a dependency of N orw ay) to aw ait th e outcom e of th e b a t tle. A ccording to th e story, h er d au g h ter A nna dies a t th e sam e m om ent th a t h er fa th e r was killed in th e b attle of Stam ford- bridge. The ru in s of eleventh century B irsay include th e E a rl’s Palace and C athedral, and a graveyard, datin g p a rtly from th e sam e tim e, w here princess A nna was probably buried. Gloria Fedyk, d au g h ter of M rs. Stella Fedyk, V ice-Presid en t of C hapter 37, D etroit, Mich, is one of th e 800 stu d en ts w ho sailed out of New Y ork on W ed nesday, June 26, on th e H olland A m erican Line fo r E urope. O ut of 6,000 applicants 800 w ere chosen on th e basis of th e ir scho lastic records, aptitudes, and all oth er requirem ents. W e are ju stly proud th a t Gloria is one of th e chosen teen-agers, who will be stay in g fo r 10 weeks w ith a fam ily in St. Polten, A us tria , a typical com m unity about 30 m iles south of V ienna. The stu d en ts selected are p a rt of th e A m erican Field Service exchange, w hich is sh arin g in th e experience of living w ith a fam ily fo r 10 weeks, as a stu dent, to learn how o th er people live and th ereb y helping in te rn a tional understanding. G loria will have m any th in g s to re p o rt in Septem ber, w hen she re tu rn s to com plete h er la st y ear of high school a t Codey H igh, in D etroit, C hapter 37 will h ea r h e r rep o rts as one ofo urp rogram s fo r th e Fall season. O U R LIFE Edited by Editorial Board Published by the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America, Inc. 4936 N. 13th St. Philadelphia 41, Pa. Vera Rich ELIZABETH, THE WISE-KING’S DAUGHTER E lizabeth, th e w ise-king’s daughter, W alked by th e green and purple w ater, Pale on th e shores of B irsay Bay W hile th e Islands glim m ered in silver light, Like dream s th a t sail on th e rim of sight, A nd th e moon w as a m isted king by night, And th e autum n sun w as a queen by day. E lizabeth’s, th e w ise-king’s daughter, Gazed a t th e gleam of lig h t on w ater, A nd dream ed th e gold of h er fa th e r’s h o m e ; The sea lapped quiet am id th e creeks, She dream ed th e splendour of N orw ay’s peaks, A nd h er lord’s sw ift navy, set fo rth to seek The seven-fold kingdom to grace his own. E lizabeth, th e w ise-king’s daughter, (W edded w ith song beside D nipro’s w ater) W aited, pale as October, w aning-skied, W hile h er lord slept quiet in an E nglish grave, (The seven fe et th a t his nam esake gave) W hile, traceless vanishing as a wave, A d au g h ter’s life, w ith h er fa th e r, died. The fro n t page p ic tu re : Girl with a pumpkin reproduction of oil by O. T rutovsky, painted 1879 14 Н А Ш Е Ж И Т Т Я — Ж О В Т Е Н Ь , 1 9 6 3 REGIONAL HUTSUL COSTUME for women Delineation Sketch with samples of material Price $1.00 Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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