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UNWLA Highlights The slogan of th e X III Convention is: T H E ORGANIZED WOMAN BUILDS OUR FU TU R E. The them e will be review ed in an address and expressed in our resolutions. Did you send your greetings fo r th e Convention Book? E ach UNW LA B ranch was sent form ulas fo r th is. It is now high tim e to send them in. ❖ * * In case you have some p rojects or by-law s am endm ents, please, send them in. Only w ritten p rojects can be discussed. LUNCHEON FOR UN DELEGATES On M arch 19, 1962 several w om en’s organizations a rra n g ed a luncheon fo r delegates of th e S tatu s of W omen Com mis sion in New Y ork. I w as chosen to rep resen t th e U krainian wom en, to g eth er w ith M rs. Irene Pa- doch. A m ong others, a t our ta ble, we m et M rs. C hu-sheng Yeh Cheng, th e re p resen tativ e from Taiw an. A m ong th e 20 delegates of th e S ta tu s of W om en Com m ission p resen t w ere M rs. A da N orris, th e re p resen tativ e from A u stralia and M rs. Lily B aeta of G hana. G reat w as m y delight on see ing m any friends fro m other countries: th e president of th e In tern atio n al Alliance of W om en, M rs. D eraniyagala and th e secretary M rs. H alsey w ere am ong them . M rs. Sprague-B au- m an and D r. Sandesky-Scelba, whom I m et a t th e IA W Con g ress in Colombo w ere also p res ent. Tim e w as too sh o rt to g reet them , b u t I w as happy to see th em a t work, and in good health. A fte r th e luncheon we atte n d ed th e Session. Mme. S. G rin- berg-V inaver, chief of th e Sec tion of S tatu es of W omen, p re sented a w onderful review . W ith h e r s ta ff of women ju ris ts from A ustralia, H ungary, Spain and th e USA, and w ith h er own le gal train in g in F rance, she stressed th e professional compe tence of th e ir task . Helen Prociuk NEW BUILDING P relim inary plans are under w ay fo r construction of a new dorm itory fo r 50 girls a t M anor Ju n io r College, Fox C hase M a nor, Philadelphia, P a. A fte r con clusion of th is w ork, th e n ext step will be to have th e school step up its curriculum fo r th e increased students. M anor Junior College was founded in 1947 w ith a few stu dents originally m eeting in Mac- rin a Hall. Today it is th e fa ste st grow ing college in D elaw are Valley, U.S.A. W ith th e m ost m odern school building in th e world today, M a nor College can accom m odate 300 students. W ith com pletion of th e new dorm , m ore out-of- tow n stu d en ts will be given liv ing q u arters. This will allow for m ore enrollm ent of students. The S isters of St. Basil th e G reat came to th e U nited S tates in 1911 and settled in Philadel phia, Pa. Since th en th ey have opened an orphanage, school of p rim ary grades (in 22 cities), a g irls’ academ y and a ju n io r col lege. A fo u r y ear college is a n ti cipated in th e n ear fu tu re . T here is a g re a t need fo r a new full- term college in th e Philadelphia area. M anor Ju n io r College is th e only B yzantine R ite g irls’ school in th e U nited S tates. Ukrainian Dishes The New H aven R egister from M arch 27, 1962 had an in te r view w ith M rs. Slava Y achnyc- ky, P resident of th e UNW LA B ranch 66 in th a t city. The to pic was U krainian dishes. F rom th e kitchens of U krainian hom es come fo rth a wide asso rtm en t of them . M rs. Y achnycky recom m ends specially a fru it b a r cookie, describing it as an “all occasion d essert.” “W hat m akes them especially good is a filling fe a tu rin g plum , straw b erry or ra sp b erry preserves,” she said. U krainian F ru it Bar 2 cups sweet butter 1 lb. and У і cup flour 2 cups sugar 8 egg yolks Уг teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon baking powder *4 cup bread crumbs fruit marmalade or preserves 1 tablespoon bread crumbs 8 beaten egg whites M ethod: M ix f irs t six ingre dients well to g eth er u n til dough becomes as flexible as pie dough. C ut dough into uneven portions and re frig e ra te 10 to 15 m inutes or until hardened. G rease pan and sprinkle lightly w ith bread crum bs. G rate larg er portion of dough fo r bottom layer in pan. A fte r g ra te d dough has been placed in pan, place in oven w hich has been preheated a t 350 degrees. Brow n lightly. Spread w ith filling of preserves of fru it m arm alade and tablespoon of bread crum bs over bottom lay er. G rate rem aining portion of dough over egg w hites. Bake in p reheated oven fo r 45 m inutes. Allow to cool before cu ttin g into squares. Y ield: A bout 50 squares. 18 НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ — ЧЕРВЕНЬ, 1962 O U R LIFE Edited by Editorial Board Published by the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America, Inc. 4936 N. 13th St. Philadelphia 41, Pa. Wisdom is sometimes nearer when we stoop then when we soar. Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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