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DARIA VIKONSKA (1893-1945) Daria V i konska PRISONERS On m y w ay colored spots caught m y eyes. From am id a circle of green leaves Rose a curly decoration, R osetted like tin y beads. N ever in th e ir cloistered nook Does th e ir im mobile beauty Feel th e su n ’s direct rays, O r be stirre d by th e wind, Or w ashed by welcome rain. Bees cannot visit them , N or b u tterflies flu tte r above them . No bird, sw iftly flying, brushes his wing. H um ans appoint th e ir bloom ing tim e, R em em bering or fo rg ettin g to w ater them . E ach day as I passed, I stood n ear them . They seemed to sm ile to me w ith concealed grace. In enchantm ent I beheld them , Sorrow ing a t th e ir loneliness. One day, a t zenith of th e ir bloom, These flow ers so pink, so yellow and red Seemed to gleam and burn. T hey w ere a liv e ! An im prisoned beauty. Translated by Jean Wolcott Piper The U krainian w riter D aria V ikonska was not very popular am ong readers. She left only a few books, published by h er own effo rts. N evertheless h er life and h er trag ic death, as well as h er valuable w orks deserve spe cial attention. As a d au g h ter of an U krain ian landow ner and a G erm an mo th er, she w as given a careful education, in F rance and E n g land. A fte r h er m arriag e w ith an U krainian ag ric u ltu rist she lived on th e ir estate. In th e 30’s she sta rte d to w rite. The firs t volum e “The P a ra dise T ree” contained sh o rt sto ries. A fterw ard s a m onograph on Jam es Joyce was published. In th e 30’s he was not y et well known on th e E uropean conti nent. H er final w ork “F o r N a tion’s B rass,” published before W orld W ar II, was a group of essays on th e political and cul tu ral life of th e U krainian peo ple. Beside th a t she w rote ch ar m ing vignettes about flow ers she liked. D aria V ikonska’s w ork reflects a deep philosophical m ind, a stro n g will, and th e high m oral stan d ard of her soul. Its a rtistic value is incontestable. She proved it also th ro u g h h er death. H aving lost h er husband, a fte r th e Soviet occupation of W est U kraine in 1939, she con tinued to believe firm ly in his re tu rn . The end of w ar reached her in Vienna. As th e Soviet arm y occupied th e city, and ab used its in h ab itan ts, especially women, D aria V ikonska could avoid th is fa te only by a leap from th e second floor. This caused a severe cerebral in ju ry , from w hich she died a few m onths later, m entally dis turbed. THE CHOIR LASTIVKA (SWALLOW) A lm ost sim ultaneously, w ith th e founding of B ranch 66 in New H aven in M arch 1956, th e Choir L astiv k a (Swallow) was form ed. A m ong th e founders of th e B ranch w ere fine singers, who loved U krainian songs. The Choir w as even fo rtu n a te enough to have am ong th em a conductor, M rs. M ary B urbela Hyza, who has a com plete m usic al education, and a lovely voice. She firs t studied in New H aven, and la te r in New Y ork, under Prof. Liebling. Now, living w ith h er fam ily in New H aven, she devotes h er tim e and skill to th e Choir. In addi tion to train in g th e singers, she firs t transposed U krainian folk songs to su it w om en’s voices, th en C hristm as carols and church songs. R ecently she ad apted th e tunes of th e H igh M ass to h e r choir. Becom ing well know n fo r th e ir a rtistic perform ances in New H a ven, during th e ir six years w ork th ere, th ey have also accepted m any invitations to sing in other cities. M rs. H yza is not only th e ir conductor, b u t also an nouncer, explaining th e fe atu res of th e U krainian m usic. U K R A IN IA N A RT E X H IB IT The Sunday News in Brook lyn, N. Y., from A pril 29, 1962 had a new s article on U krainian A rt p u t on view th ro u g h M ay 21 in th e gallery windows of th e B rooklyn Public L ibrary. E m broidery, carved and decorated chests and tra y s, ceram ics and painted E a ste r eggs w ere am ong th e exhibits. The display w as a r ranged by M rs. M ary D ushnyck, P resid en t of U N W LA B ranch 72 in New Y ork City. MANEUVER LATYNINA This gym nastic accom plish m ent is nam ed a fte r its p erfo rm er L arissa L atynina. The U k rain ian Olympic s ta r is C aptain of th e six-lady gym nastic Soviet Team , and perform ed it last fall in W est C hester, Pa. H er fine technique won h er tw o gold m e dals in Rome. НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ — ЧЕРВЕНЬ, 1962 17
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