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tutions that govern our lives? (Would men be just as willing to limit their careers during childbearing years should that be necessary? And would the society accept them if they do?) Most importantly, we must ask why it is that our struggle for survival in an unjust system is countered not with political change, but with increased expectations of female perfection. Condensed and adapted by A.H.S. from Letty C. Progrebln’s ’’Can Women Really Have It All: Should We?”, Ms. Magazine, Mar. 1978 To the Ukrainian Museum in New York Please eccept me as a member of the Museum. I am retired. At the same time, please accept my grandson as one of your members. He is 11 years old and is a very talented youn man, bearing a love for Ukrainian art. He makes beautiful Pysanky, draws and paints well. He sub mitted one of his drawings for the UNWLA contest. He took part in the pysanka exhibit for non-Ukrainians in the International Institute. My grandson’s name is Paul Van Den Heuvel. His mother is my daughter, his father, of Belgian back ground. The whole family, four children, mother and father, belong to the Ukrainian parish here. My daughter works all day and has very little time to give them that, which should be given by all Ukrainian mothers. It is for this reason that I often take the children for weekends and "Ukrainainize” them. My grandson Paul studies well and is also a skillful pianist. If the Museum has membership cards, please send to Paul at my address. It will give him a lot of pleasure to have one. Enclosed is a check for $30.00. $20.00 is to cover dues for both Paul and myself. The remaining $10.00 are Paul’s contribution to the Ukrainian Museum in New York. Paul calls to his peers, Ukrainian boys and girls, to become members of the Ukrainian Museum in New York. He asks that this be published in the English section of OUR LIFE. Firstly, he calls to his cousins, Steven and AndrlJ Oleksluk from Chicago, and they, In turn, should call on others. With sincere greetings and much regard Lidia Oleksluk and Paul Van Den Heuvel II. ACT RATHER THAT REACT: The greatest threat to our success comes not from outside but from within. It is not what other people say or do that influences and undermines our self-con- fidence, but the manner in which we react to it. Basic principle: Never pay any attention internally or externally to anything anyone says or does if in your considered and honest opinion it is untrue, unwar ranted, unjust or just plain exaggerated. The corollary: never bother to defend yourself even to yourself or to explain anything to anyone who is unwillfng or unable to accept explanation. A. Understanding — you cannot expect any other human being to understand you. You cannot under stand yourself at times. This is a good thing, because one does not have to be understood to be successful. One only has to accept and be accepted. So stop expecting your friend or foe to understand. Prepare to be misunderstood — It really doesn’t matter. B. Action — In planning to do something, plan the action on its merits, never, never on the basis of how someone else is going to react to it. Do what you think and consider to be the right thing. If someone reacts unreasonably, that’s his problem, not yours. C. Criticism — Approval or disapproval are impor tant to us all. When criticized, your first obligation is to evaluate the criticism as honestly and objectively as possible. If the criticism is deserved and valid, do get angry — at yourself, not at the critic, and resolve to act differently in the future. If the criticism is unwarranted, put it out of your mind immediately. When you are honestly sure that your course of action does not violate your individual dignity, nor the rights of others, don’t allow yourself to be swayed or manipulated by the opinions of others. Have the courage of your con victions, compromise whenever and wherever neces sary but do not capitulate! Above all, never dignify unfair criticism by defending yourself. Within the realm of action is also ’’communication”, — the current buzzword very much in vogue. ’’The lines of communication seem to have broken down” is the universal cry. Maybe so. But let’s recall a simple fact: communication is lacking when the speaker can’t or won’t make himself clear, and the listener won’t or can’t listen. Ever try to say something to someone who’s just waiting for you to stop talking fo he can start? Hasn’t heard a word you said! If you are the listener, drop down the mental barricades erected by your feelings and open your mind as well as your ears! If you are the Paul Van Den Heuvel making a pysanka Павпусь Ванденгевел пише писанки. Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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