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New President of WFUWO In January, 1958, the newly elected direction of the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations (W FUW O) has set about its activity. Its new President is Mrs. Olena Zalizny ak who at present is residing- in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Mrs.. Zalizniak has been known as-patriotic and ardent worker for many years. After graduating front university she has embark ed on public work and continued her devotion to the Ukrainian cause and progress of organized women ever since. It had been on her initiative that Ukrainian girl students had been organized at Lviv. She was associate editor of the first Ukrainian women’s periodi cal “Meta” at Lviv (1908). During the World W ar I she lived in Vienna where she was a co-founder of the Ukrainian Women’s Alliance which she headed for several years. In the course of these turbulent years she attained her ambition to bring the Ukrainian organization into contact with international wom en’s organizations. And then she participated in congresses of sev eral organizations, as the W om en’s International League for Peace and Freedom (Vienna 1921, Prague 1929). and Women’s Co operative Guild (Paris 1936). A teacher by profession, she Set the loaves in a warm place until they are almost double in bull?. Take care not to let the loaves rise longer than necessary because the ornaments will lose their shape, Brush very carefully with a beaten egg diluted with 2 tablespoons of water. Bake in a moderately hot oven (400°F) for about 15 minutes, then lower the temperature to 350°F and con tinue baking for 40 minutes long er, or until done. Avoid browning the top too deeply. If necessary, cover with aluminum foil. Re move the loaves from the pans and allowT them to cool. (From the book “Traditional U k rainian Cookery” by Savela Ste- chishin). had been conducting for many years a vocational school in Lviv where she had manifested her pe dagogical attachment. In W FUW O she was at first the chairman of Public Relations Committee. Having worked to gether with late Olena Kisilevska, she became closely acquainted with the objectives of our organi zation. Her ample experience ele vated her to the fore of W FUW O and our member organizations at tested to high regard for her by choosing her the President of the World Federation of Ukrainian W omen’s Organizations. C O N G R A T U L A T IO N S T o M r. and M rs. M ichael B o y k o on th eir 50th W e d d in g A n n iv er sa ry , N o v em b er 2 2 ,1 9 5 7 Just 50 years ago today The words “I Do“ you both did say . All through those many passing years . . You both remained both true and dear A large family you did raise . For which you deserve so much praise . Which all your daughters and sons too Are trying to impress on you You’ve been good parents all around . More better ones cannot be found . You’ve cared for them throughout each day And proved your love in many ways And п о л у today the’re trying to Show sincere gra titude to you . . With their hearts all so full of love . And prayers for you to God above . That He look down on you today . . Which is your own most spe cial day . . . And grant you many gifts and friends . Before this day comes to an end . . But most of all may Our Lord bless .: You both with utmost happiness In such a way that this will be A precious, lasting mem ory. God love and bless you always! S iste r M . B o n a v e n tu r e , O SB M A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T Mrs. H. Lototsky, President Ukrainian National Women’s League of America, Inc. 909 N. Franklin St. Philadelphia 23, Pa. Dear Mrs. L ototsky: It is indeed a great honor and unexpected pleasure you and the Ukrainian National Women’s League have bestowed upon m e! I cannot help but be very flatter ed for having 'been chosen as the Best Talent of 1957. Such a trib ute, whether deserved or not, gives me new enthusiasm not only in my „.work among Ukrainian- Americans but also in my career. I will, try to live up to the hom age paid me by continued work, worthy of such acclaim. Cordially, and most sincerely yours, G loria Y a r o sla v a Surm ach M rs. O lena Z alizn y ak , th e P re sid e n t of th e W orld F e d e ra tio n of U k ra in ian W om en’s O rg an izatio n s (W F U W O ). She is re sid in g at p re se n t in C anada. Y ou w ill o b tain b e st in fo rm a tio n in th e bo o k W O M A N O F U K R A IN E P r ic e $1.00 O rd e r fro m U k rain ian N a tio n a l W o m e n ’s L e a g u e 909 N . F ra n k lin S t. P h ila d elp h ia 23, P a .
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