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ELEVENTH CONVENTION OF THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL WOMENS LEAGUE OF AMERICA, INC, SEPTEMBER 3—5, 1955 HOTEL BELLEVUE-STRATFORD Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Registration of delegates and guests starte Friday, Septembe 2 at 7 p. m. at the Bellevue-Stratford Saturday, September 3, 1955 8 A. M.: Mass in Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral, 814 N. Franklin St. Service in Ukrainian Orthodox Church at Berks St. and Germantown Ave. 9 A, M.: Registration continued at Bellevue-Stratford. 10 A. M.: Opening of Convention — Mrs. Anna Sywulak, Chairman of the Convention Committee. Election of Convention Presidium and of Committees. 12 Noon: Lunch. 2 P. M.: Lecture — Mrs. Natalie Pazuniak, B.S. 3 P. M.: Greetings by Delegates and Organizations. Reports of Supreme Officers. 7 P. M.: Banquet, musical program. Sunday, September 4, 1955 9 A. M.: Mass in Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral. Mass in Ukrainian Orthodox Church. 10 A. M.: Welcoming of Delegates and guests in the offices of Ukrain ian National Women's League of America. Opening of Exhibition of Folk and Pictorial Arts. 12 Noon: Lunch in the hal'l of UNWLA. 3 P. M.: Continued reports by Supreme Officers at Bellevue-Stratford. Lecture by Mrs. Maria Bilak. Report of examiginn committee. Discussion. Monday, September 5, 1955 9 A. M.: Reports of verification committee. Report of the committee on planning, and discussion. Report of auditing committee. Vote of confidence. Election of Executive Committtee Supreme Council and Auditing Committee. Resolutions. Closing of the Convention. rainian Women was- called in Philadelphia in 1948, in which took part representatives from United States, Canada, Ukrainian emigration in Western Germany, Ukrainian women’s organizations from Argentina and Brazil con curring. Through united efforts the World Federation of Ukrain ian Women’s Organizations was then formed at the congress. These actions of UNWLA show that in the course of years this organization 'has groiwn to be an institution of initiative and great responsibility. Its spiritual ad vancement is characterized by two other moments of signific ance. The UNWLA started the publi cation of its periodical OUR LIFE in 1944. The printed word has ever since be-come indispens able for the objectives of the or ganization. It has been strength ening and consolidating its sys tem and elevating its spiritual in terests. Some time later UNWLA published selected poems and dra mas of the renowned Ukrainian poetess Lessya Ukrainka with comments of the excellent trans lator, Dr. Percival Gundy,. Now the organization is publishing a n ew book, titled “The Woman of Ukraine,” which is. presenting necessary informations on past and present efforts and attain ments of the Ukrainian woman. Ukrainian women of action took pant in editing this book. In the course of recent years the bonds Oif UNWLA with the American organized womanhood wras accomplished. It had been years back that the Ukrainian wo men had been cooperating with American women’s organizations, however it was only in 1949 that UNWLA affiliated with General Federation of American Women’s Clubs, and with National Council of Women of United States in 1952. The UNWLA is participat ing in their conventions as well as cooperating in their endeavors. In 1954 the President of UN W LA took part as an American delegate in the conference of the International Council of Women at Helsinki, Finland. It might be said that 30 years of action have fired our founders and pioneers,. Yet fortunately new ranks of workers are coming in and joining the old guard. These are new immigrants who came to United States in the years 1949-1952. They are becoming members of UNWLA, and by bringing new and young energy, they actively cooperate with older and American-born members, so as to jointly work toward fulfill ment of hopes and aspirations of Ukrainian patriotic womanhood. The coming Convention of UNWLA will offer an opportun ity for examination of actuai achievements and for definition of the course for immediate fut ure.. The members of UNWLA are awaiting its X I Convention in high spirits and with confi dence. Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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