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В ОБОРОНІ ЮРІЯ ШУХЕВИЧА Перший раз дізнався я про недолю Юрія Шухевича від моєї дружини Ірини Яримович-Морсіґліо. Вона розказала мені про його ув’язнення і про те, як його несправедливо оскаржено, засуджено і в’язнено майже ціле його життя. Я також читав про Юрія в англомовному тижневику "Weekly”. Тоді прийшла мені думка, що може було б добре, якщо б більше людей застановилися над його недолею і писали до відповідних властей. Тоді можна б осягнути деякі успіхи. Я написав листа до сенатора Патрика Мойнігена. Він спрямував мого листа до Стейтового Департаменту. Павел А. Мур, заступник секретаря для Конгресових Справ, від повів таке: (Уривки з листа) United States Department of State Washington, D.C. 20520 December 20, 1982 Excerpts of Powell Moore’s letter to Senator Moynihan: Dear Senator Moynihan: We follow closely the situation of Mr. Shukhevych and others like him who are imprisoned for their dissident activities by Soviet authorities... Mr. Shukhevych has spent over thirty of his forty-eight years in prison... From 1948 until 1968, Mr. Shukhevych was kept in prison by Soviet authorities primarily because he was the son of General Roman Shukhevych... His most recent period of imprisonment from 1972 until the present stems primarily from his human rights activities... On Sep tember 9, 1972, Mr. Shukhevych was sentenced to ten years’ im prisonment, followed by five years' internal exile. In 1979 Mr. Shukhevych joined the Ukrainian Helsinki Monitoring Group. Mr. Shukhevych's prison term was scheduled to end in March of this year, but we have no informa tion that he has been transferred to his place of exile. Mr. Shukhevych reportedly suffers from a number of severe medical ailments, including chronic ulcer, heart, vision and dental problems; concerns have been expressed that he receives in adequate medical attention. Recent reports indicate that Mr. Shukhevych may now be totally blind... We remain committed to do all that we can to draw world attention to persons who suffer in the Soviet Union for their defense of individual human rights... We have conducted a candid discussion of Soviet treatment of human rights activists in Ukraine. We have voiced our concern for those who have been deprived of their liberty for expressing their cultural rights or asserting their national heritage, and have drawn special at tention to the case of Mr. Shukhevych. Most recently, Vice President Bush has drawn specific attention to the plight of Yuriy Shukhevych at the 30th convention of the Ukrainian National Association in Rochester, N.Y. I assure you that the plight of those Ukrainians who are im prisoned for practicing their culture or expressing their beliefs will continue to be a matter of concern to us... With cordial regards, Sincerely, Powell A. Moore Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations Я також написав листа в цій справі до президента Реґе- на. Він порозумівся з Стейтовим Департаментом і я одер жав ще другу відповідь. (Уривки з листа) Enclosure: Correspondence Returned. The Honorable Daniel P. Moynihan, United States Senate. United States Department of State Washington, D.C. 20520 December 27, 1982 Excerpts of Alan Romberg’s letter to Nelson Morciglio: Mr. Nelson Morciglio 54 Village Road, South Brooklyn, New York 11223 Dear Mr. Morciglio: We follow closely the situation of Mr. Shukhevych, who has spent most of his adult life imprisoned in the Soviet Union. His most recent period of imprisonment, stems primarily from his human rights activities... While in prison, he joined the Helsinki Monitoring Group established in Kiev to check Soviet com pliance with the Helsinki Final Act. Mr. Shukhevych’s prison term was scheduled to end in March 1982. We have no information yet that he has been trans ferred to his place of exile. Mr. Shukhevych reportedly suffers from several severe medical ailments, and we are concerned that he is not receiving adequate medical care. Recent reports indicate Mr. Shukhevych may now be totally blind. We remain committed to drawing world attention to the plight of persons in the Soviet Union who suffer for their defense of human rights. At the Madrid Review Meeting of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), we conducted a discussion of Soviet treatment of human rights activists in Ukraine. We voiced our concern for individuals deprived of their liberty for expressing their cultural rights or as serting their national heritage. Vice President Bush called speci fic attention to the plight of Yuriy Shukhevych at the 30th con vention of the Ukrianian National Association in Rochester, New York. We will continue to do all we can to help Mr. Shukhevych and other Ukrainians imprisoned for practicing their culture or expressing their beliefs. Sincerely, Alan D. Romberg Acting Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs and Department Spokesman В обох листах запевнювано мене, що пробують допомогти українським дисидентам. Я буду і надальше писати і молитися за свободу для Юрія Шухевича. Нелсон А. Морсіґліо 8 ’’НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ”, БЕРЕЗЕНЬ 1983 Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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