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H eadquarters N ew s A t this tim e I wish to in fo rm you of the main points o f my work plan which I mentioned in my newsletter to the Branches in the fa ll of 1971. I t is now tim e to put the ideas proposed in the work plan into action. They in clude : 1. Membership file 2. A program of m onthly meetings 3. A re-examination of U N W L A By-laws w ith the purpose of g e ttin g to know them better 4. Leadership training. Leadership tra in in g is the key to the proposed program. Ukrainian-language materials have already been sent out to the Branches. Materials in the Eng lish language w ill be sent out shortly. Anastasia Volker Organization Chairman A new item in our educational program is Day Centers fo r Eng lish-speaking children. The f ir s t such Center was recently opened in D e tro it: Teacher V ira An- drushkiw worked out a series of lessons based on the newest methods of learning a foreign language. The lessons are con ducted in Ukrainian. The in itia l attem pt was so successful th a t such Day Centers w ill be opened in other communities. Olena Klymyshyn Education Chairman The U N W L A Social Welfare Committee has opened a scholar ship fund drive fo r U krainian girls in Brazil. A single scholar ship amounts to $15 and covers the people and sights o f Moroc co, Indochina and the islands of the South Pacific. Her v iv id im pressions o f exotic places charm ed and intrigued the reader. In her last years she trie d her hand at w a iting psychological stories. U nfortunately, none of these were published during her lifetim e. Her “ Two weights, two measures” were published on the f ir s t anniversary of her death. the cost of high school fo r one month. The girls attend high school or teachers’ institutes. To date our Branches have funded 10 scholarships. In ad dition two U N W L A members fro m Cleveland have announced th e ir intention to “ sponsor” a student. A ll together, we are helping 12 girls. We believe th a t there w ill be more individuals who w ill want to help the girls in th e ir studies. Teodosia Sawycka Social W elfare Chairman In March o f this year we sent out statements to our Branches showing th e ir financial obliga tions fo r 1972. We also remind ed our Branches to pay th e ir overdues fo r 1971 as soon as possible. The “ Our L ife ” and Museum Funds are now obligatory. We set no specific amounts fo r these to enable our Branches to make as large contributions as they can. Both goals ■— the maga zine and the museum demand our constant support. Olha Mussakowska Finance Chairman NEW DAY CENTER FOR CHILDREN In February 1971 the U N W L A Regional Council in New Y o rk C ity founded a Day Center fo r children, which is sponsored by Branch 83. The Day Center is located in the St. George Paro chial School and is attended by 17 children. The teacher Mrs. Eugenia Wacyk stresses arts and crafts as a creative teaching tool in her class. ALBUM OF HISTORICAL COSTUMES U N W L A Branch 64 has pub lished an album of ten color post cards depicting U krainian histo rica l costumes. The costumes were designed by a special com mittee. U N W L A Branch 64 has shown these costumes many times on various occasions. The price of the album is ju s t $3.00. UKRAINIAN RECIPES Here are recipes fro m N a ta lia Kostecka’s “ U krainian Cook book,” published by the In te r national In s titu te o f Philadel phia in 1952. Ham in Batter (4-6 servings) ІУ 2 lbs. of ham ■— cut Уг” thick and divided into individual portions 3 egg whites З T. flour 3 egg yolks salt 5 T. frying fat Beat egg w rites s t i f f ; add flo u r to beaten salted yolks. Fold this m ixtu re lig h tly in to beaten whites. Dip ham portions th o r oughly in th is batter and f r y in a hot fa t. Handle the tu rn in g carefully as the batter form s a delicious crust which w ill fa ll o ff unless handled gently. Stewed Fresh Tomatoes (Serves 6) 2 lbs. fresh tomatoes 1 T. butter 1 medium on;on, chopped fine 1 medium stalk of celery, cut jFine salt and тзеррег to taste Уг tsp. paprika Уг cup water Уг cup sour cream T. flour 1 T. chopped parsley Blanch tomatoes in boiling water and skin. M elt bu tte r and add whole to matoes and the other vegetables and simmer u n til liquid is a l most all absorbed. Add water, salt, pepper and paprika and boil u n til tomatoes and vegetables are tender. Blend flo u r and sour cream. Pour over the tomatoes and sim mer fo r 10 minutes. Serve hot, garnished w ith chopped parsley. FOR SALE Ukrainian colored designs in Albums, Series No. 3 and 4. Price $2.00 each Order from UNWLA’s Headquarters 4936 N. 13th St. Phila, Pa. 19141 Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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