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O ur Letter to the President The news o f President N ix on’s planned tr ip to Moscow has greatly stirred our membership. Ukraine is a captive nation of the U.S.S.R. and recently news came of a new wave of repres sions and persecutions there. This has prompted our Execu tive Board to w rite to President Nixon and ask him to intervene on behalf of the imprisoned and the persecuted. Copies of the le tte r were sent to all U N W L A Branches w ith a request th a t Branch members and th e ir families sign the le t ter. The signed petitions w ill be delivered to the W hite House. Below is the te x t of our le t te r to President N ixon: Dear Mr. President: The U krainian National Wom en’s League of Am erica is an organization of women of U krainian descent, founded in New Y o rk C ity almost 50 years ago. The organization is active in educational and charitable work in the U krainian commun it y and participates in sim ilar American community activities, as fo r example the w ork o f the American Red Cross at the tim e of W orld W ar II. U N W L A has a growing number o f American members and is dedicated to the ideals of freedom and equality so cherished by the American people. Many o f our members have lost sons in this country’s service, and many have sons curre ntly fig h tin g in Vietnam. I t is w ith deep concern th a t we, members of U N W LA , learn ed of your planned v is it this spring to the Communist Bloc nations. U nfortunately, this life . C h rist’s resurrection serves only as a reminder of perpetual renewal of nature, and a promise of eventual renewal o f human life . No one today really believes th a t our songs and dances help nature to restore life, but many do feel the need to express th e ir jo y and optimism w ith the re tu rn of spring. Even those who do not can fin d new hope in the tra d itio n a l „K hrysto s Voskres.” meeting of great world powers w ill undoubtedly be viewed w ith great apprehension by the peo ples who are enslaved by the Communist regime. Ukraine has been oppressed by Russia’s im perialistic policy fo r many centuries. This line is con tinued by the Communist regime and the Ukrainian people are carrying on never-ending stru g gle against them fo r over h alf a century. In the last few months we have received new evidence c f the great protest movement th a t is sweeping Ukraine. The U krainian people are protest ing against: 1. The curtailm ent of religious freedom, persecution of the cler gy, the destruction of churches, and the refusal to le t the fa ith fu l observe th e ir religious prac tices ; 2. Enforced Russification in the schools and government o f fices ; 3. Destruction o f cultural mon uments, such as the burning of libraries and the strippin g of archeological s ite s ; 4. Mass arrests of political prisoners, unduly long and harsh prison sentences, and the w illfu l poisoning of prisoners by the addition of lethal chemicals to th e ir food; 5. A new wave of arrests of cultural w o rke rs; 6. Commitment of healthy in dividuals to mental in stitutio ns and insane asylums where they are subjected to mental and phy sical to rtu re ; 7. Persecution of the wives and husbands of political prisoners which takes the fo rm of dismis sals fro m work and other forms of harrassment. The United States o f America gained its independence in a d if fic u lt struggle, thus raising the standard of human d ig n ity and freedom. This country has al ways been a champion of free dom. We believe, M r. President, th a t in the course of your trip you w ill uphold these standards of freedom which we all cherish so deeply and th a t you w ill de- A SAD A N N IV E R S A R Y Writer Sophia Jablonska This March marked the f ir s t anniversary of the trag ic death of authoress Sofia Jablonska, who was killed in an accident en route to Paris. Sofia Jablonska was a :iative of Halychyna. Even as a small child she was destined to travel abroad w ith her parents, and travel held a special fascination fo r her all her life. Her f ir s t trip was to Paris and later she traveled all over the world. A f te r W orld W ar I I she settled in France w ith her fam ily. In the last years of her life she lived on the island of La Gueriniere, where she created an illusion of her native Ukraine. Sofia Jablonska began to w rite in her youth. As a dedicated traveler she chose fo r her genre the colorful travelogue. In loose ly connected scenes she depicted fend the rig h ts of an oppressed nation, a nation whose very ex istence is being threatened. For so long as even one nation re mains oppressed, there can be no justice and peace on this earth. We the American women of U krainian descent believe i t is our duty to stand in defense of our sisters and brothers in Ukraine. We implore you not to ignore our pleas w ith silence! Respectfully yours, E X E C U T IV E BOARD
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