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U K R A I N I A N W O M A N O U R E N G L I S H C O L U M N JANUARY 22, 1918-1919 The dates of January 22, 1918 and 1919 are of great significance and importance in the history of Ukrainian statehood. True, there had been many momentous dates in the course of the history -of Uk raine, of .primary international scope, yet those had another meaning. We may recall treaties and agreements of Ukrainian Kievan (Rus) monarchy with the Greek Empire (Constantinople) in the tenth century, the entrance of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnitsky in to Kiev, capital of Ukraine (1649), Hetman Ivan Mazeppa’s compact with Sweden (1709). But the rea son the Ukrainians rev-ere most of all the 'two recent dates in the his tory of their native country, is (be cause Ukraine after centuries of subjugation, severe oppression by the invaders has emerged and has resurrected in the 20th century, and has restored her ancient free dom and independence. Ukraine was again invaded by their greedy neighbors -and again deprived of her freedom and independence, and after World War II has been subjugated by communist Mos cow, still the Ukrainian people cognizant of the resurrection oif January 22, 1918, are continuing the struggle for freedom of Uk raine, confident of their final vic tory. The will to freedom and inde pendence was firmly -expressed in 1917 by Ukrainian National Con gresses and the first freely -elected popular parliament, the Ukrainian Central Rada Council, which ad opted democratic principles of Western Europe and America for the system of the -government of a rsurrected Ukrainian nation. The principle of self-determina tion proclaimed by President Woodrow Wilson had profound influence upon the people of Eur ope, for centuries deprived of their freedom and independence. The Ukrainian people, who had been under Russian domination for nearly 300 years, were the first ones to shatter, their chains and to start on the constructive work of restoring the statehood of their native country. On January 22, 1918, at the Square of St. Sophia in Kiev the independence of the Ukrainian People’s Republic was promulgat ed, and the next year, also on January 22, at the very same spot of the capital of Ukraine, the Union of Ukrainian People’s Re-' public with West Ukrainian Re public (Gali-cia) was proclaimed. ollowing the invasions by com munist Russia and Poland and Rumania — in 1919—1921 — Uk raine again lost 'her -hard won freedom. It was again divided, but In the United States and other democratic countries much is be ing written on imperialistic expan sion of Red Russia, on the terror ism perpetrated by Russian com munist regime in all countries be hind the Iron Curtain. These prob lems are likewise widely discussed at meetings, public forums, con ferences, over the radio as well as in some schools, yet the average person takes little interest and is rather lukewarm toward this complicated enigma o:f the East. But it is high time for all fellow citizens to obtain reliable informa tion on this suibiect and then to inform others. This арюеаі per tains to men іust as well as to women. The Ukrainian women, and these born in this countrv in particular, are obligated to take an active part in this endeavor, for the common srood of American peoiple as well as of Ukrainian peonle now in. communist fetters of Mo'scow which is threatening the free world. This is no time for only as far as her territory was concerned. Spiritually, however, the Ukrainian people remained much more tenaciously united than ever before. And in spite of the fact that the communist vic tory of 1945 imposed still more fetters on the Ukrainian people, it has never acquiesced in the occu pation of its country and is ever Continuing itS uneven SitPU:ggle against the enemy. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians had to abandon their country, escaping to the free West, where they are laboring hard in order to assist the Ukrainian people in their struggle for freedom. This struggle will continue un til the final victory of' freedom and independence, till the acts of January 22, 1918 and 1919 will again become a reality. ease and care-free life, it is the time for unceasing vigilance and readings to defend the precious freedoms of your country as well as of all countries still remaining free. No matter where -one is de fending the freedom, one is de fending the freedom of all man kind, for a loss of freedom any where is a threat to freedom everywhere. This world cannot survive half free and half enslav ed. The women in America can do a lot and can achieve much if they sncerely desre and act. They have proved this during the last presi dential elections. And now, we firmly believe, the time has come for them to serve their country and the cause of freedom and de mocracy on the global scope—so let's stand up and organize a united front against communism, the hotbed of slavery, lie, treason, murder and all evil that humanity has efver known. Anna Petrivna. C R U S A D E fN D E F E N S E O F F R E E D O M
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