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“НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ”, ЛЮТИЙ 2014 WWW. UNWLA.ORG 7 made contact with oth er US legislators in the state. We are very fortunate that Senator Murphy, in his role as Chairman of the European Su b- committee of the Senate Foreign Relations Co m- mittee , has proven to be not only interested but also proactive with rega rd to the situation in Ukraine. We hope to ke ep this commitment strong as events continue to unfold. We also strongly urge our fellow Soyuzianky to make si m- ilar cont acts with their own legislators, and we applaud those who have already done so. _______________________________________________________ _______ Ukrainian Detroit Supports Euromaidan by Marie Zarycky Cherviovsky The Ukrainian American Civic Committee with the support of the New Wave, the Shevchenko Scientific Society and other community organiz a- tions reacted quickly to demonstrate their solidar i- ty and support of the peaceful EuroMaidan demonstrations in Ukraine . They held their first rally on November 28, 2013, in front of the Ukrai n- ian Cultural Center in Warren, MI, with over 200 participants including children and students, who were ho lding various posters, Ukrainian and Ame r ican flags. The second rally on Sunday , December 1, 2013, on the grounds of St. Josaphat Church in Warren, MI, was in fact a Viche with many partic i- pants speaking out and voicing their support of the demonstrators on the EuroMaidan in Kyiv and throughout Ukraine. The local ABC TV affiliate covered this demonstration and a brief interview with Vera Andrushkiw was aired on the 11 PM news . On Thursday evening, December 5, 2013 , the third meeting on the grounds of St. Josaphat church became a candlelight vigil on a bitterly cold night with snow and wind attempting to extinguish the flames. Dr. Olena Palyvoda, Ruslana Pronko and Natalia Shmoron expressed words of support for the courageous protestors and outrage at Pres i- dent Yanukovych’s resolve to renege on a former plan to join the European Union. Tania Bedrus sang patriotic Maidan songs and led the crowd in chanting “Ukraine is Europe” and “We are with you, Ukraine . ” On Sunday, December 8, 2013, the Ukrai n- ian community gathered at the Immaculate Co n- ception Ukrainian Catholic Church in Ham tramck, MI, for the Immaculate Conception School Christmas Concert under the direction of maestro Volodymyr Shesiuk. Fr. Daniel Schaj kow ski led the congregation in an inspired prayer for the brave protestors at the Maidan. Vera Andrushkiw, Vice - President of U.S. – Ukraine Foundation and former teacher at IC, spoke eloquently to the gathered congregation encouraging children as well as adults to take an active part in writing letters to President Obama, their senators and congressmen and Secretary of State John Kerry. As a member of the local Ukrainian - American Civic Committee, she spoke of the need to maintain support of the EuroMaidan in Kyiv by attending rallies, signing petitions to o ur government and by raising funds for additional warm clothing, food and medical assistance for the demonstrators. Most of the congregation then drove to St. Josaphat Church grounds in Warren where a rally was in progress. Ms. Andrushkiw joined other spe akers, Dr. O. Palywoda and Ruslana Pronko. She introduced Mariusz Szajnert, the President of the Polish American Congress, who assured all present that Poles stand in solidarity with their Ukrainian brethren in the pursuit of freedom and democracy. After t he rally many participants gat h- ered at the nearby Ukrainian Cultural Center to sing patriotic songs and sign petitions. The Satu r- day prior to the rally Vera had an interview with Jurek Rozalski on the Polish Radio Program. The fifth rally was held on the g rounds of St. Josaphat Church in Warren on Sunday, D e- cember 15, with Congressman Sander Levin in a t- tendance. He spoke with his usual warmth and support of the Ukrainian Americans whom he had joined in December of 2004 to celebrate the O r- ange Revolution. An other official, Martin Howry - lak, Michigan State Representative, spoke to the gathered crowd reading the State of Michigan Re s- olution #281, which he introduced in Lansing. Dr. Roman Hryciw, member of Plast National Board, greeted the rally participants on behalf of the Plast youth in the US and in Ukraine and relayed warm greetings from Maria Burmaka, who recently e n- tertained the demonstrators at the EuroMaidan. These rallies succeeded in raising funds for the indomitable demonstrators in Kyiv for warm clo thes, food and medicine. Many signed petitions were faxed to Washington, DC. Vera Andrushkiw’s appeal to the children was realized as teachers of the Immaculate Conception School and Lesia Ukrain ka School at St. Mary Protectress Orthodox Church gathered m any letters and drawings which po r- trayed the young students’ enthusiastic support.
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