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10 WWW. UNWLA.ORG “НАШЕ ЖИ ТТЯ”, ЛЮТИЙ 2014 Perhaps that is why the Spanish newspaper El Mundo compared her to Joan of Arc. As one of the protest leaders, Ruslana has been on guard against paid provocateurs who have instigated fights in the otherwise peaceful protests. Ruslana wishes to be “a voice of the people” on the Maidan, but she will not publicly back any political contender. S he was deeply touched and motivated by the strong feelings of the young students on the Maidan. The protests began by people simply gat h- ering on the Maidan during the day and then going home to sleep at night. Those who stayed behind felt very strongly tha t if the protests were going to be meaningful, people must remain on the square throughout the night. They felt if they went home to sleep they would gain nothing. So they stayed, and Ruslana stayed with them. They sang Ukrain i- an folk and patriotic songs, huddled together to keep warm and thus passed the night. There was no other audience, no politicians. It was a matter of principle for these idealistic students. This went on nightly for a week. The number of protestors grew into hundreds of thousands. A revolution was born, and Ruslana with her love of Ukraine became the soul of that revolution. She has risked her health as well as her voice for the cause. She was everywhere and took part in everything: she was at the headquarters in the House of Trade U n- ions, on the move in response to calls for help, gi v- ing orders, discussing posters and badges, etc. One moment she would run onto the stage to perform and the next she would be on her way to prepare for press conferences — all in order to keep the spi r- it o f the revolution alive. She found shelter at St. Michael’s Cathedral for those demonstrators wounded in the violent attack perpetrated by “Berkut.” Her career and other engagements took a back seat during this time. In Ruslana’s own words, “...p ersonal and professional life does not matter right now... When so many people believe that they are fighting for a pure and just cause, you will stand with them... This is a unique moment. You must stand with them out of solidarity, just in case the person standing next to you wavers or lo s- es hope.” Ruslana’s involvement in the pro - European movement centered in Kyiv has been noted by many international publications, and she is regarded as a true heroine of Ukraine. Due to her active role in the protests, she was included in the top 10 most successful women of 2013 by the Forbes magazine. Also, she was named “Person of the Year” by the Business Ukraine magazine. When Ruslana was a child and in the co m- pany of her mother, a passer - by looked at Ruslana and told her mother, “Y our daughter will one day bring glory to Ukraine.” Only recently did her mother disclose this to Ruslana. That man had great foresight! For her role in the peaceful demonstrations for human dignity and human rights for the people of Ukraine, Ruslana Lyzhyc hko should be awarded the Noble Peace Prize and Honorary Membership in the UNWLA. Her character and her noble deeds are clearly the mark of a heroine. We, the members of the UNWLA, salute and congratulate Ruslana, the Heroine of the Euromaidan. Лист з Ма йдану Хочу дещо розповісти про Майдан. Не маю багато часу, тому що не все маю дос туп до інтернету, так що це буде коротко. Це, що ці люди тут зробили і як вони утримують Майдан, є фантастичне! На Май дані порядок і чистота, побудовані хатки і намети, де можна відпочити або спати. Всюди є харчі, теплий одяг, медична допомога, як рівнж і охорона. Що правда, ті бандити дозволяють собі нападати на людей, як приміром вчора на Андрія Ільєнка, так що треба бути обережним. На загал, люди відважні і рішучі. Ніхто навіть не думає здаватися. Люди чергуються; одні приїжджа ють, другі від’їжджають. Охорона, це переважно «аф ган ці», різні ветерани і добрі молоді хлопці. Тримають дижур по 12 годин. На кожному кроці видно відвагу і поставу! МИ МУСИМО цих людей за всяку ц іну під тримати! Люди тут зі всіх сторін України, жертву - ють, чим можуть. МИ, ДІЯСПОРА мусимо зробити все, що можна! Хіна, Ти маєш велику «авдиторію», дай людям знати, щоб вони “get engaged” і не були байду жими. Передвчора на Майдані була група з Чечні зі своїм прапором. Ти щоб бачила, як їх люди вітали! Нажаль, не дописує погода, паскудно, хмарно і вогко. За цілий час, що я тут, ще не бачив сонця. Будь здоров ий , тримайся моцно і давай людям знати, що діється. Слава Україні ! Олек сандер Терлецький .
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