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“НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ”, ЛЮТИЙ 2014 WWW. UNWLA.ORG 15 here in the U nited S tates. The UNWLA, along with leaders of other Ukrainian - American diasp o- ra organizations and activist residents of Ukraine, was invited to a meeting at the White House on January 3rd with Karen Donfried, special assi s- tant to President Obama and senior director for European affairs at the National Security Council (NSC). The objective of the non - partisan meeting was to further increase the U.S.'s support of the democratic process in Ukraine and to send a strong message to Kyiv that Ukrainian Americans stand with the opposition. It was also an oppo r- tunity to strengthen our community's relationship with the current administration. On January 7th U.S. Senate Resolution 319 was passed unanimously. At this particular time in the Maidan’s evolution, Number 7 of this Resolution was most a ppropriate, stating that “ the event of further state violence against peaceful protestors, the President and Congress should consider whether to apply targeted san c- tions, including visa bans and asset freezes against individuals responsible for orderin g or carrying out the violence.” On January 15th, the U.S. Senate Co m- mi t tee on Foreign Relations held hearings on the Implications of the Crisis in Ukraine which were presided over by Senator Robert Menendez (D) of N.J. and which were attended by Senators Chris Murphy (D) of Connecticut, John McCain (R) of Arizona (who had, as mentioned above, both vi s- ited Kyiv and addressed the Maidan), Sen. Robert Corker (R) and Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski. They all strongly voiced their views on the struggle of the Ukrainia n people and the uphill battle they faced. The very next day, on January 16th, it became known that U.S. Senators Ben Cardin (D - Md.) and John McCain (R - Ariz.) had introduced the Global Human Rights Accountability Act . This legislation would ensure that hum an rights abu s- ers from anywhere in the world are denied entry into the United States and barred from using our financial institutions. Thus, as the bill states, “[g]ross violators of human rights from Zimbabwe to Ukraine, and Honduras to Papua New Guinea, are put on notice that they cannot escape the co n- sequences of their actions even when their home country fails to act.” But, suddenly, on the same day that the U.S. Senate introduced this Global Human Rights Act , the “birth of a nation” was trampled on wh en the ruling majority in the Ukrainian Parliament ( Verkhovna Rada ) , led by the Party of Regions, proceeded to “adopt” various legislative amen d- ments in mere seconds with just a show of hands. These “laws” included disturbing amendments to Ukrainian crimin al laws affecting civil society, legal due process, freedom of speech, freedom of media, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion and other basic liberties. In two months, the Ukrainian nation had been transformed through the Maidan — after two months of bat tling the wi n- ter cold day and night, of leaving family and warm homes to fight for a better tomorrow, the future has quickly become gloomy rather than bright. We know what followed — violence and bloodshed . But, as I write this column, we do not know how thi s confrontation of the yearning for democracy versus the clampdown of dictatorship will end. The struggle continues. Let us pray for the future of Ukraine and its citizens! Slava Ukraini ! For the Members - at - Large who would like to attend the Conventi o n or for those members who may not have received registration forms for the XXX Convention of the UNWLA , registration forms are included in the center of this issue of “Our Life.” Please fill out the form as soon as possible and follow the mailing and pa yment instructions on the form. Time is of the essence. We would like to welcome as many of our Members - at - Large as possible! This is a great opportunity for you to get to see your organization at work and to meet your fellow “Soy u z i anky.” See you at UNWL A’s XXX Convention! _______________________ Для Вільних членок, які бажають бути присутніми на конвенції і для тих членок СУА, котрі не отримали реєстраційних форм ХХХ Конвенції СУА, Реєстраційні форми надруковані в цьому числі «Нашого Життя» на ст. 18 і ст. 20 Просимо виповнити форму якнайскоріше і вислати разом з оплатою згідно інструкції. Ми раді вітати якнайбільше Вільних членок СУА. Це прекрасна нагода більше дізнатися про працю нашої організації і зустрітися зі своїми посестрами - союзянками. До зустрічі на ХХХ Конвенції СУА!
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