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“НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ”, ЛЮТИЙ 2014 WWW. UNWLA.ORG 5 US Senator Ch ris Murphy M eets with Ukrainian C ommunity in Connecticut in S upport of Euromaidan by Lana Babij What began as demonstrations on Kyiv’s Maidan Nezalezhnos ty /Independence Square in support of Ukraine’s signing accords toward future EU membership quickly turned into massive pr o- tests against President Yanukovych’s betrayal with regard to those promised agreements. Shocking incidents of severe, unprovoked polic e brutality soon escalated the protests beyond mere support of European integration. Euromaidan now repr e- sented a non - violent movement that expressed d e- fiance against a regime that not only moved in a direction not supported by the majority, but also viola ted human rights and suppressed basic dem o- cratic freedoms of the media and free assembly. In order to demonstrate the Ukrainian - American community’s strong support of their fe l- low Ukrainians’ protests in Kyiv, as well as to urge our US government to take a definitive position on the matter, Alex Kuzma, Chief Development O f- ficer of the Ukrainian Catholic Education Found a- tion and active member of the Hartford area Ukrainian - American community, began the pr o- cess of opening a dialogue with our Connecticut legi slators in Washington. He and fellow community members Myron Kolinsky and Lana Babij of UNWLA Branch 106 were first welcomed by the office of US Senator Chris Murphy (D - CT) on December 4, where we met with Sean Scanlon, aide to the Senator. Our intent w as to make an urgent appeal on behalf of the Ukrainian - American community for official acknowledgement and a statement of support from the US government for the protesters on the Maidan. We quickly learned that the young fres h- man Senator, who is the Chairm an of the Su b- committee on Europe of the Senate Foreign Rel a- tions Committee, was keenly aware of the signif i- cance of what was happening in Ukraine. On the day of our meeting, he already had a draft resol u- tion, which he shared via his cordial and know l- edgeab le aide, and indicated an interest in meeting with other members of Connecticut’s Ukrainian - American community on the subject. The three of us kept ongoing contact with Senator Murphy’s office, often sharing information and articles of interest. The follo wing week, just prior to his trip with Senator John McCain to Kyiv, Senator Murphy proposed December 22nd for a possible “town hall meeting.” We sprang into a c- tion to prepare a venue and promote this outstan d- ing opportunity to meet with a US Senator with regard to this critically important issue — the first such opportunity for Connecticut’s Ukrainian - American community in over 20 years. In spite of previously scheduled holiday events occurring on the same day in several Co n- necticut locations, close to 350 people filled the main hall of the Ukrainian National Home in Har t- ford for the meeting with Senator Murphy. Nearly 100% of UNWLA Branch 106’s membership — encompassing the Greater Hartford and New Bri t- ain communities — were in attendance. Senator Murphy was clearly impressed by the turnout, which represented a broad cross - section of young and old from throughout the State. Upon warmly greeting the audience with a “Slava Ukraini,” he enthusiastically recounted his awe - inspiring experience of facing half a mil lion people in Kyiv who daily thronged together aspi r- ing for a civic life of dignity, freedom and integrity, and who later chanted “thank you, USA” after he and Senator McCain expressed their support for them. He also recounted their meeting with Pres i- dent Yanukovych — essentially a two - hour mon o- logue consisting of Yanukovych repeating standard claims and complaints. Senator Murphy, the youngest member of the Senate, proved that he was well - informed, i n- telligent, and refreshingly frank as he continued his r emarks. He stressed not only the democratic values of the Maidan, but also the value of a Wes t- ern - oriented Ukraine as an economic partner, while recognizing how Ukraine must continue to maintain some ties with Russia. He pointed out the Senate resolution that he authored — which has since been passed by unanimous vote as S.Res. 319 — that expresses US support for Ukraine’s peaceful protests, urges President Yanukovych to engage in constructive dialogue both with his co n- stituents and with the EU, and threatens the appl i- cation of sanctions if violence against peaceful pr o- testers continues. The meeting concluded with the Senator providing thoughtful responses to several que s- tions from the audience and encouraging conti n- ued contact with his Connecticut office. My colleagues and I are maintaining o n- going communication with the Senator and have
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