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In 1984, Olha Pastuchiv had an independent exhibit of her work shown at the resort of Verkhovyna in the hall of St. Volodymyr Church. The poet Vasyl Barka wrote a critical review which analyzed the creative world of the young artist with a sensitivity and understanding typical of his style. Olha has also exhibited in group exhibits in Boston and elsewhere; in 1987 she had a showing in Harvard. This talented artist, who is multilingual (Ukrainian, English, Russian, German, Greek), has also translated into English some of the works of Vasyl Barka. In this issue we are printing her memoir “Meteor”, which has appeared previously in the journal “Vira”. Olha’s talents also extend to calligraphy. She showed us some beautiful and impressive samples of archaic, Ukrainian lettering. Besides graphic design for publications of Ukrain- NEW BOOK TRACES HISTORY OF MILLENNIUM The introduction of Christianity in Ukraine occurred in Kiev, the capital city of Rus’, the then-powerful state, now the capital of Ukraine — the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, in its present incarnation — which has it own Ukrainian Christian churches that maintain that it is more directly their millennium and that it is being usurped by the official Soviet Russian Orthodox Church. Their claim is documented by the editors of A Thousand Years of Christianity in Ukraine: An encyclopedic chronology, a 312-page volume published this summer by Smoloskyp Publisher of Baltimore. Compiled and edited by two Soviet experts, Osyp Zinkewych and Andrew Sorokowski, whose academic speciality is religion in the USSR, the book documents in a thoroughly scholarly fashion — although easy and interesting to read — the full his tory of Christianity in that region. Illustrated with more than 400 color and black-and-white photographs, illustrations, maps, and numerous tables, the book’s ten chapters cover its history chronologically, from Christianity’s first inroads into the region, its official acceptance in 988, through the turbulent centuries of Kiev’s decline, its split into Orthodoxy and Catholicism, and its life under various foreign occupation, culminating in the total banishment of the Ukrainian Orthodox and Catholic churches under Soviet rule. As a historical source, A Thousand Years includes in one volume information not readily found elsewhere, as well as a number of "firsts” : the first listing of all Ukrainian Orthodox and Catholic metorpolitans and bishops during the past 1,000 years and statistical data about these two major and other Ukrainian churches; a listing of churches and monasteries built, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of by occupying foreign rulers; the first published English-langauge translation from some of the famous historical chronicles; and a listing of all political leaders spanning that period. Every chapter begins with an introductory article about the situation in Europe and Ukraine during the period covered — usually two or three centuries — followed by a chronology of major events and a description of the principal ecclesiastical activities, and ends with a listing of church and monastery ian literature, Olha’s printed work includes: Illustrated Flora of Boston Harbor Islands — 107 illustrations plus the cover; Northeastern University Press; Planets of the Gods — R. Schultes — 10 illustra tions; Horticulture Magazine — graphic design; Massa chusetts Orchid Society Newsletter — cover for this literary journal. She has also done frescoes on the walls of the main hall of the Educational Center on Thompson Island and drawings of plants for copper plates on the Boston Harbor Islands. We are conscious of the fact that the work repres ented here does not fully demonstrate the scope or var iety of the artist’s multiple talents. Nevertheless, we hope that we have at least partially succeeded in pres enting to our readers this interesting, creative individual — Olha K. Pastuchiv. construction (and destruction). The last chapter, covering the period from 1917 to the present, describes the Soviet destruc tion of the Ukrainian churches and follows their migration to the West. The volume ends with a bibliography and index. The book, published under the auspices of the National Committee to commemorate the Millennium of Christianity in Ukraine, can be obtained from Smoloskyp. P.O. Box 561, Elli- cott City, MD 21043. The cost of the book is $49.75 ($63.50 Canadian). SMOLOSKYP, Inc. 3045 N. St. Johns Lane, Ellicott City, Md. 21043, U.S.A. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 561, Ellicott City, Md. 21043, U.S.A. IRS Identification Number: 51-0207698 ANNA KACZOR (NEE GUT) On July 22, 1988, a founder of Branch #49 of UNWLA died in Buffalo, N.Y. She was one of those rare people who devoted her life to work for Ukrainian and American Organizations, such as the Ladies Guild and Church “Sestryctwo” (Sister hood). She also was a member of “Sitch” , the Ukrainian Congress Committee as well as the Ukrainian National Asso ciation. Thanks to her efforts, our 49th Branch of UNWLA was founded in Buffalo. Many years of hard work as President and organizer gave us a strong foundation for future development. We remember her meaningful speech during the celebra tion of the 50th Anniversary of Soyuz Ukrainok in 1983. At that time she was 86 years old, but was still an excellent speaker. She was always interested in all our affairs and always wil ling to help. I wish that more of us would follow her example. She had loyalties to America and its people — where she was free and spoke freely, and a true love for Ukraine — the land of her heart. “Vichnaya pamiat!” Nila Steckiw Просимо прізвища писати друкованими літерами в обох мовах. Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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