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UNWLA Highlights Ukrainian Dishes There are usually many m atters and subject's to be discussed and decided upon at the last summer meetings of the Branches. This would impel them to put in order all things to be done before the vacation ensues. A very im portant and pressing business for the Branches to trans act—is to prepare the Regional Conferences which arc scheduled to be held in October. The Central Office has sent out circulars with suggestions set forth for discussion. However, the Branches will certainly have project's and desires of their own. All these objectives ought to be outlined now. The delegates to the Conference should be likewise chosen at the next meting. ** * Th United Ukrainian American Relief Committee (UUARC) is appealing to all of us to lend our support in its action to resettle in America the Ukrainian D P's still remaining in W estern Europe. The Ukrainian National W om en’s League would like to assist in this w orthy endeavor. It has sent circulars to all its Branches urging them to accept sponsorship for U krainian families. However, it sihould be stressed again that the sponsors assume no responsibility for the new comers, except moral obligation. Hence it is only human sympathy and humane service to do this, and we do hope that all our Branches will follow the example of those Ukrainians who have already be come sponsors. ** * Did all of the members of your Branch buy the book “Tihe W oman of U kraine” ? This book is very convenient whenever you need to inform the Americans not alone of the deeds of prom inent Ukrainian women down through the history. It likewise contains best data on the num ber of Ukrainians within and outside the borders of Soviet Ukraine, as well as in diaspora the world over. Also short history of the U krainian people and an account of its struggle for independence. It costs $1.00 and may be ordered from the Central Office of UNW LA. ❖ Let us make a good use of vacation this summer. Let us take a well deserved rest in order to build up new strength. Let us meet other people and get new and interesting impressions. Only then, in the autumn, we shall get the satisfaction necessary for continuation of our patriotic work.. m em ber-organizations through out the Free W orld. Her goal was to strive to continue and preserve the cultural life in the Ukrainian diaspora, and to work for the ■sake of inform ig the Free W orld of tihe bolshevik menace to all •humankind. For 8 years she 'had been engaged in realizing her ideals, and in the moment of her death she was aw are that many of her dreams came true. This great Ukrainian patriot, leader, hard wrorker and publicist fulfilled her task labaring during the period of 70 years for her people. W hen she left us, depart ing to the great beyond, she be- COLD SOUP (uncooked — serves 6) 1 cup cooked, peeled and chopped beets 1 carrot, peeled and grated 1 cucumber, peeled and chopped fine 2 hard boiled eggs, peeled and chopped fine Vz cup sour cream 2 cups milk of buttermilk 1 T. chopped parsley 1 T. chopped dill Salt and pepper to taste Boil, уз eel and chop the beets — cool. Add the other vegetables and chopped eggs. Blend sour cream and milk (or butterm ilk). Add the parsley and dill and salt and pepper to taste. Chill and serve. If this is too thick, it may be thinned with ice cold water. GREEN SALAD (4—6 serving) 2 medium-sized lettuce heads juice of Vz lemon 2 tbs. water 1 tsp. salt 2 eggs — hard boiled 4 tbs. sour cream W ash and s'hred lettuce. Mix lemon juice, water, sugar and salt and pour over lettuce. Toss lightly. Garnish with the sour cream and sliced eggs. Prepare just before serving. queated this heritage to the ge nerations in the time to come. H er splendid example will shine brightly and will be folio-wed by multitudes of Ukrainian women. H er name will live on and her deeds will inspirit the Ukrainian womanhood in their march to ward the better tom orrow. L. B. Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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