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32 WWW.UNWLA.ORG “НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ”, ТРАВЕНЬ 2015 IN MEMORIAM LIVONIA SYMPHONY TO PAY TRIBUTE TO OLGA SOLOVEY Olga Solovey, who passed away in May of 2013, was a Branch 58 member, cultural chair, and secretary. Branch 58 continues to remember Olga as a very talented pianist and a generous in- dividual who gave so much enjoyment to Branch 58 members and friends with her music and per- sonality. Olga Solovey was also a board member of the Livonia Symphony and served as its liaison to the Ukrainian community. On May 2, 2015, the Livonia Symphony is having a special concert, “Past Memories,” as a tribute to Olga. The sym- phony under the direction of Volodymyr Shesiuk and located in Livonia, MI, will play the music of Myroslav Skoryk, Ludwig van Beethoven, and Modest Mussorgsky. It will also feature L’viv-born pianist Ania Sorokhtei. In the words of Maestro Shesiuk, the con- cert will “celebrate Olga Solovey’s life of service to the Livonia Symphony.” The concert is sponsored by the Sutar- Sutaruk Foundation and the family of Olga Solov- ey. Julia Stoiko, Branch 58 EVERYDAY CANCER MYTHS by Maximilian Magun, Pharm. D. Candidate If you believe all the rumors, almost eve- rything in today’s world causes cancer. These simple misconceptions can make us needlessly worried about our health and change the way we approach everyday activities. Everyday objects and products such as microwaves, cell phones, or deodorant have all been linked to the develop- ment of certain cancers. But before you run out of the house sweating without your phone and with cold leftovers, take a look at the facts. There have been numerous claims of deo- dorants and antiperspirants causing breast can- cer. Deodorant is composed of the active ingredi- ent aluminum zirconium tetrachlorohydrex, which is used to stop the flow of sweat to the sur- face of the skin. Some research has shown that if left on the skin, it may be absorbed and may pro- duce estrogen-like effects needed to promote the growth of breast cancer cells. However, according to researchers at the National Cancer Institute, there is no clear evidence linking deodorant use and cancer. There is no reason to sweat about which deodorant is safe to use. It has been claimed that cell phone usage is linked to the development of cancer of the brain, nerves, or other tissues of the head or neck. Cell phones work by emitting radiofrequency en- ergy that may be absorbed by tissues. However, this non-ionizing form of radiation does not dam- age the DNA of cells, which is essential in the de- velopment of cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, there may be a risk associated with cell phone use and cancer, but not enough evidence is available to validate this claim. To lim- it your exposure to radiofrequency energy, limit the use of cell phones to short conversations and use hands-free devices for longer conversations. Microwave ovens have been said to emit radiation that may lead to certain tissue cancers. Microwave ovens work by producing non-ionizing radiation, which is absorbed by water molecules in food. This causes the molecules to vibrate and produce the heat needed to cook food. These ov- ens are designed to work only when the door is shut and the oven is turned on. Unless the micro- wave oven is damaged or modified, radiation gen- erally does not leak out when food is being cooked. The radiation from microwave ovens also does not alter the food in any way that would make it more likely to cause cancer. While there is definitive evidence that to- bacco smoke and other carcinogens, UV exposure, and radiation cause cancer, there is no need to worry about everyday activities such as using your cell phone, microwaving your food, or applying deodorant posing the same risk. If you are still concerned, you may reduce your exposure to these products by applying deodorant sparingly to the underarms area or not applying it before go- ing to sleep; by standing a couple of feet away from the microwave when in use; and by using hands-free devices for cell phone conversations or not sleeping next to your cell phone.
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