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36 WWW.UNWLA.ORG “НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ”, ЧЕРВЕНЬ 2015 UNCONVENTIONAL METHODS TO DEAL WITH PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL STRESS by Ihor Magun, MD, FACP It is actually ironic that despite all the re- cent advances in medicine that have made new medications and treatments available to us, many individuals are turning to more unconventional methods of dealing with health problems. These include acupuncture, various nutritional supple- ments and herbal remedies, and many others. There is certainly nothing wrong with this approach. In fact, there has been more research and insight into these methods of managing your health. What other methods are utilized more and seen to work? Here are some unconventional methods that you may find helpful. Music plays such a wonderful role in our lives. It actually is a fundamental characteristic of the human species. It can affect our emotions and make us forget, at least temporarily, our wor- ries and concerns. Music and singing have been shown to improve mood and quality of life, and to reduce the level of pain. Listening to music can slow the heart rate and decrease the level of stress hormones. The use of music in physical therapy has had a positive impact on many patients. Brisk music has helped those suffering from Parkin- son's disease improve their gait. Singing has helped aphasic patients recover speech. So next time when you are reaching for some form of emotional or physical relief, try playing some mu- sic, or better yet, sing or hum a few happy tunes. I can see you smiling already. For those individuals who have problems with breathing or physical limitations from ar- thritic issues, aquatic therapy has been quite help- ful. The buoyancy and the warmth of the water permit those individuals to get exercise. Not only does this type of exercise increase strength and endurance, but it also makes one feel better about being active. There are many physical therapy facilities that provide this type of service. It is also covered by insurance. In those cases where there are no facilities of that type, a local YMCA or gym with a pool can be helpful. It is certainly worth the investment. Who would have thought that dogs would be routinely brought to certain areas in the hospi- tals and related facilities? Spending time with a pet, be it a cat, a dog, or any other pet, has such a positive impact on one’s mood and health. The single act of petting a cat or dog makes one feel better. When we feel good—even for a brief time—our sensation of pain and our level of stress decrease. Pets, especially dogs, make us move and socialize more. Walking a dog provides an oppor- tunity to strike up a conversation with another pet owner that otherwise would not be possible. An- imals are not judgmental and provide uncondi- tional love. All of these things are emotionally re- warding. Another way to overcome physical and emotional stress is to pursue a hobby. Find a hobby you always wanted to try. Do something different: experiment. You may be good at writ- ing. You may have a talent for drawing. You may surprise yourself and find emotional satisfac- tion and success. Dance therapy has been utilized in Europe for years. It is not as popular here, but enrolling in a dance class can provide the benefits of music, physical exercise, and socialization all rolled into one. If there are no specific classes near you, you can always try to organize a group and find an instructor or individual who would be willing to teach. There are also many recorded DVDs that provide excellent instruction on basic steps. Chronic issues and problems often drive how we approach therapy for any disease or con- dition. We should always use conventional ap- proaches for our health problems first. When re- fractory cases or chronic conditions do not re- spond well to conventional management, other approaches, such as those outlined above, should be considered. If you have not tried these meth- ods, you may find yourself surprised at how much better they can make you feel.
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