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22 “НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ”, ЖОВТЕНЬ 2011 Our Cover Artist Bohdanna Kesala learned to express herself through the arts at a very early age. One of her first memories was winning third place for her painting in an art competition for the Chicago public schools. She was only three. Born in Pamplona, Spain to Ukrainian - American parents, Bohdanna moved to the United States at age two. While at Indiana University – Bloom - ingt on, one of Bohdanna’s paintings “Reflec - tions On Reading About the Vietnam War” was published on the cover of her professor’s book, “Teaching Hearts and Minds: Students Reflect on the Vietnam War in Literature” by Barry M. Kroll. In 2004, Bohdanna graduate d with a Master’s in Fine Arts from San Francisco State University. She currently works in her studio in San Francisco. She has exhibited her paintings in San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Greenwich, Barcelona, and Florence. Bohdanna has also taught at the San Francisco Art Institute Adult Continuing Education Department. For artistic inspiration, Bohdanna draws, takes photographs, knits, and writes short stories. She lives in San Francisco with her husband and their three sons. Наша обкладинка Богданна Кесала змалку в иражає себе через мистецтво. Її найраніший спогад – здобуття третього місця на мистецькому конкурсі серед державних шкіл Чікаґо. Їй було тоді всього три роки. Богданна наро - дилася в місті Памплона в Іспанії в укра - їнсько - американськ ій родині, і незадовго перебралася з батьками до Америки. Під час навчання в університеті шта - ту Індіяна в місті Блумінґтон, репродукцію її картини «Роздуми над прочитаним про війну у В’єтнамі» надрукували на обкладин - ці книжки її професора Беррі М. Кролла «Вчимо розум і серце: студенти роздумують про війну у В’єтнамі». 2004 р. Богданна одержала диплом Маґістра з мистецтва в Державному університеті Сан - Франциско. Мисткиня працює у своїй студії в Сан - Франциско. Виставки мала в Сан - Франциско, Ню Йорку, Чікаґ о, Ґрінвічі, Барселоні і Флоренції. Викладала на курсах продовження освіти для дорослих в Мис - тецькому інституті Сан - Франциско. Для мистецького надх нення вона малює, фотографує, в’ яже та пише опо ві - дання. Живе з чоловіком та трьома синами в Сан - Франциско. Artist ’s Statement Over the last decade, my work has focused on color, structure, decay, beauty, and the feminine. Of these, color and decay have been somewhat fixed and ever present, while organic cellular structures were in constant struggle – or more subtly, in juxtaposition – with synthetic patterns. With the use of color, depth, and dimension, my past work exhibited a natural – indeed organic – decomposition to reveal both the organic and inorganic code that lies beneath all that exists in the physical world. My series on paper turns this construct on its head. Instead of focusing on decomposition and decay, the series focuses on the construction of the physical world. Instead of decomposition to code, the work r eflects the physical world. The work therefore necessarily deals with creation, growth, and life. And while this series focuses on the organic, the inorganic is always present. This ultimately led to my need to further explore the feminine component in my work. I looked for one pattern to represent femininity and found it in lace. Lace means different things to different people. The meaning of lace can change depending on context, style, color, or material. Lace in one form and/or context may conjure images and feelings from one end of the spectrum – for example, innocence, virginity, and purity, such as when used in a christening gown – to the other end of the spectrum – for example, promiscuity, immorality, and sexuality, when used in lingerie. Lace can also be used to communicate a position of seniority and respect, such as the collar on a female judge’s robe. All the while, regardless of context, lace represents the feminine and the different stages a woman goes through in her life. In my current paintings, I am representing this idea of the feminine code and pattern in an abstract way, trying to evoke these ideas, feelings, and symbols within the viewer. Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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