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20 “НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ”, ЖОВТЕНЬ 2011 UNWLA officially receiv ed recognition, or “hramota,” from the Lviv oblast Ministry of Health, congratulating and thanking UNWLA for the support received in many social welfare spheres. The concert ran for three hours and with each number, it became better and better. One of the final performances was by the professional a capella group “Orpheus.” Their “Mnohaya Lita” to the Ukrainian Women’s League was resounding and outstanding. (Please read the rest of the report about this event by VP Ulana Zinych.) I offered a pryvit from my self and UNWLA membership and passed along greetings from UNWLA Honorary Presidents Iryna Kurowyckyj and Anna Krawczuk. This was a truly historic moment for myself as well as for our organization. As I stood on the stage of the Opera House, which was fille d to capacity (1,000 seats), I spoke of the “seed that was sown – the bond of sisterhood that was set” when UNWLA was formed in the United States in 1925 to become the voice of our sisters in Ukraine. To be speaking in the very city where the Soyuz Ukraino k was initiated in 1921, to an audience of women who have dedicated them - selves to the original organization’s mission and goals, was extremely emotional! In the early afternoon, an impromptu television interview was given to local Lviv reporters (Svoboda ) in front of the Opera House. The main question posed was why we as American women would still be inspired to work with Ukraine and also to salvage and nurture the Ukrainian culture and our heritage. 08/21 – 08/23/11 Sunday - Tuesday Early in the morning on Sunday, the 21st, we flew from West to East to attend the World Congress of Ukrainians held at Kyiv Mohylan’ska Akademia. Upon the formal opening, meetings continued from the 21 st to the 23 rd . 08/23/11 Tuesday Vice President Ulana Zinych delivered UNWLA annual report and presented a copy of “Candle in Remembrance” to WCU President, Evhen Czolij. Vice President of Public Relations Lidia Bilous met with Oleksij Zarytskyj, the Head of the Department on Ukrainians A broad at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Among other topics, Ms. Bilous addressed the future erection of the Holodomor Monument in Washington, DC. She will be participating in the National Holodomor meeting of the U.S. Committee for Ukrainian H olodomor - Genocide Awareness via conference call on 09/12/11. This topic is of great concern and interest to the diaspora in the United States. Also on the 23 rd , President Marianna Zajac met with Women’s League of Ukraine President and Deputy of Parliament , Lilia Hryhorovych, and Motria Brun’ko, President of the Kyiv Regional Council, to discuss the organization’s work (on the national and local levels) and plans for the culmination of the 90 th and 20 th anniversaries to be held in Kyiv in the month of Decem ber. 08/24/2011 Wednesday – 20 th Anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine. Our delegation attended the demonstration/rally at Shev - chenko Park. Leaders of opposition parties voiced their concerns about the present administration. This was a peaceful protest, but both the police and the special units of the Berkut were brought to the streets of the capital of Ukraine to keep the protesters in check and to perhaps intimidate them as well. Participants freely voiced their displeasure at the presence of t hese armed forces at this rally. Khresh - chatyk was transformed into a street fair – vendors, basketball and ping pong com peti - tions, young adults in Ukrainian costumes strolling down the avenue on stilts, etc. Was this type of celebration an appropriate c hange? Did we miss the patriotism? (Please read the impressions of VP Lida Bilous.) The Anni - versary concert on the Maidan was entertaining and extremely well attended – this was the first time in recent history that a military parade did not march the len gth of Khreshchatyk. Our trip was multi - faceted, very busy, and very rewarding. We renewed past acquaintances, but were also afforded the opportunity to make many new ones. Our collage of pictures is meant to share our experien ces with you, our dear readers. Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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