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TO T H E 25 th A N N IV E R S A R Y OF OUR L IF E The printed word is the soul of a man. Your journal “Our Life” unites your people, dis persed all over the world. It ed ucates them in patriotism , knowledge of the native land and current affairs. It teaches his tory and unites the past and the present generations. It serves to acquaint its readers w ith new talents in all branches of the arts. I do not always agree w ith the journal. I refer here to the a r ticle about mixed m arriages. Al though I advise young people: M arry a person of the same na tionality and if possible from the same town and even the same street and you will save yourself much trouble, yet I am of the opinion th a t my own mixed m arriage has been good. I congratulate the editors of the journal and wish it much suc cess. M. S tan k evich Byelorussian-Am erican Women’s Assn. M RS. D U S H N Y C K IN T H E ELE C T IO N C AM PAIG N The Women for Nixon-Agnew National Advisory Committee included top women from all walks of life. The Committee worked to mobilize the coopera tion of women in the recent Presidential election. Among the outstanding wom en serving on this Committee from the State of New York was Mrs. M ary Dushnyck, UNWLA Public Relations Chairman. The press release issued by the com m ittee stated th a t she was in strum ental in form ing an ad hoc comm ittee w ith a group of wom en from Central and E astern E u ropean countries. The committee issued a Memorandum on H u man Rights. It was also m en tioned th a t she participated in issuing a Captive Nations Week Statem ent, co-sponsored by four women’s groups. Also stated was th a t Mrs. Dushnyck is the Vice President of the U krainian National Assn., F irst Vice President of Repub lican Business Women of New York City, and secretary of Women for Freedom. Among other N ational Advis ory Committee members are Ambassador Clare Boothe Luce, UN delegate Mrs. Oswald Lord, actress Helen Hayes, U. S. Sen ator M argaret C. Sm ith, and oth er notable women. Mrs. Eisen hower is co-chairman. During the campaign Mrs. Dushnyck also served as woman chairm an of the Ukrainians of New York for Nixon-Agnew committee which printed and distributed 30,000 pam phlets in Ukrainian. In this capacity she had lunch w ith Mrs. Nelson Rockefeller, m et Gov. Agnew, attended a press conference held by Gov. Scranton, and partici pated in a num ber of other im portant events. TO OUR B R A N C H E S : The General Federation of Women’s Clubs in its Crusade for M orality in Mass Media sug gests the following steps m ay be taken to help combat the exces sive violence and crime in motion picture and on television. You m ay register your pro test by w riting to the producer o f th e film and also to Mr. Jack V a len ti, President, Motion Pic ture Association, 522 F ifth Ave nue, New York, N. Y. 10036. If you wish to protest against a television program , w rite to the president o f th e n etw ork and to the sponsor of the program . Network presidents are: Mr. Robert Sarnoff (NBC), Presi dent, Radio Corporation of America, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. 10020; Mr. Leonard Goldenson (ABC), President, The Am erican Broad casting Co., 1330 Ave. of A m er icas, New York, N. Y. 10019 ; Dr. F rank Stanton (CBS), Presi dent, Columbia Broadcasting System, 51 W est 52nd St., New York, N. Y. 10019. Please keep a file of your pro tests and answers. CULINARY TERMS We are continuing the glos sary of U krainian culinary term s, started in the November issue 1968. Baba, babka — баба, бабка. Bacon — бекон, бочок. Bacteria •— бактерія. Baker — пекар, пекарка. Bakery — пекарня. Baked Alaska — печиво з моро зивом. Baking powder — порошок до печення. N. С. C O N G R A T U L A T IO N S ON T H E S IL V E R JU B IL E E OF "OUR LIFE" and CH RISTM AS A N D N E W Y E A R G R E E T IN G S TO A L L OUR F R IE N D S BRANCH 72 U K R A IN IA N N A T IO N A L W O M EN ’S L E A G U E OF A M ERIC A 2 E a st 79 th S tr e e t, N e w Y ork C ity ROSALIE POLCHE, President ANNA KOSCIW, Vice-President NETTIE SAWICKI, Rec. Secretary ANNA ROBERTS, Corr. Secretary AN REDOSH, Treasurer MARY MELETA, Asst. Treasurer НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ — СІЧЕНЬ, 1969 29
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