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25 Years of 'Our Life' B y M ary D u sh n yck January 1969 m arks the 25th anniversary of the UNW LA’s official organ, OUR LIFE Maga zine — N a sh e Z h y ttia — which has played such a significant role in the life of U krainian womanhood not only in the States but throughout the free world for the past quarter of a century. But to go back a few years, prior to 1944 and even before World W ar II, for th e benefit of our new UNWLA members who may not be fam iliar w ith the beginnings of our magazine, a brief review is in order. During the prew ar years the UNWLA had been receiving publications from Ukraine w ith articles by U krainian women leaders on the women’s movement in the home country. But w ith th e outbreak of World W ar II the link was broken and a crucial vacuum created. U krainian women in the free world and S o yu zan k y espe cially felt the dire need for their own publication. Although occa. sional articles appeared in U krainian newspapers such as A m erica and Svoboda, S o y u za n k y yearned for th eir own little corner. But the best th a t the UNWLA could realize a t th a t tim e, in 1939, was a page in A m erica called V is ty SUA (News of the UNW LA), th e edi. tor of which was Helen Lotot- sky. Y is ty helped to fill the void for the tim e being, but in the latter p a rt of 1943 it became feasible for th e UNW LA to be gin planning for the realization of its dream of m any years — its very own publication. Thus in January 1944 the first issue of N a s h e Z h y ttia , OUR LIFE, appeared as an 8- page gazette, under the editor ship of Claudia Olesnicki, who rem ained in the post for 2 years. Then, in the early p art of 1946, w ith the cooperation of an edi torial board, Helen Lototsky as sumed the editorship. She was succeeded by the present editor, Lydia Burachynska, a journalist from Ukraine, who has carried the burden of editing the publi cation since 1951. It should also be noted th a t in 1946 Mildred Milanowych be came the editor of the English section of OUR LIFE which serve our American-born UN WLA members and other women who do not read U krainian. She was succeeded by Helen Shipka and Eleanor Kulchycki. A t the present tim e there is no English section editor although the need for one is great. Since 1951 OUR LIFE has ap peared as a magazine, w ith an artistic and colorful form at, and has increased to 32 glossy pages and even 40 on occasion, w ith illustrations and photos. * * * To our UNWLA pioneers we m ust be ever grateful for their tireles efforts over the years to realize the dream to establish their own organ which helped, first of all, in the organization al development of the UNWLA membership and which educated a whole generation of women of various backgrounds — the old im m igrants (pre-World W ar II), the American-born and th e dis placed persons who arrived after the Second World W ar. OUR LIFE helped satisfy the needs of women of diverse cultu ral and educational levels through its articles on U krain ian lite ra tu re ; fine and folk arts (especially embroidery) ; culi nary tra d itio n s; health, welfare and hum anitarian su b jects; edu cation and rearing of children; civic and women’s rig h ts; con tacts w ith Am erican and ethnic organizations, etc., etc. It placed in proper perspective our duty not only to preserve our precious Ukrainian cultural heritage and to pass it on to our progeny but to incorporate it in to the mosaic of community life in America or anywhere else in the diaspora and thus perpetuate it in the free world. We greet OUR LIFE on its 25th anniversary and wish its editor, editorial board and con tributors m any years of fruitful labor for th e benefit of U krain ian womanhood and our whole community. We ask our mem bership and readers to support it not only w ith subscriptions and w ith donations to the press fund but w ith contributions of articles and m aterial of interest to OUR LIFE readers. To OUR LIFE, Hapy B irth day and M nohaya L i t a ! BOOK R E V IE W U K R A IN IA N W O M AN IN T H E M O D E R N A G E A pam phlet edited by Lubov Povroznyk and published in London in 1963 on the occasion of the European Congress of the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations. This very concisely w ritten booklet gives a capsule history and geography of Ukraine, de scribes the rise of women’s or ganizations and publications in Ukraine and the United States, gives the history of the Associa tion of U krainian Women in Great Britain, contains very short biographies of the m ost outstanding U krainian women w riters of the late 19th and early 20th centuries plus a list ing of women w riters in exile, and closes w ith a chapter on the active role of U krainian women in the liberation struggle. A lex a n d ra R icznyk 28 НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ — СІЧЕНЬ, 1969 Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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