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30 WWW.UNWLA.ORG “НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ”, ЖОВТЕНЬ 2016 Leshko. Together, they transformed a thematic luncheon into a culinary and visual event. The guests greeted this event with interest and enthusiasm. To everyone’s satisfaction, it was a great success. Benefit Concerts Fundraising activities for the Ukrainian Museum took the form of two benefit concerts co-sponsored by Branch 113 and the Ukrainian Museum. In keeping with our focus on a new generation of museum patrons, Branch 113 member Ina Bazylevsky brought to our attention the young, dynamic Shelest Piano Duo. Anna and Dmitri Shelest were born in Ukraine, studied at the prestigious Kharkiv Special Music School, and completed their studies in America. As participants and top prize winners in many competitions, the Shelest Piano Duo made their American piano debut at Carnegie Hall in 2011. Ina, with the help of the then cultural chair Alla Leshko and the Museum staff, organized a piano recital featuring the two artists. On May 30, 2015, Anna and Dmitri Shelest gave a masterful performance at the Museum. Their program included works by composers Mykola Lysenko, Oleksander Zhuk, and Myroslav Skoryk. The talented hus- band and wife team ended their program on a distinctly American note with George Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue. On June 4, 2016, Branch 113 member and cultural chair, Marta Lewicky, initiated and led the effort to organize another memorable concert, a program of arias and songs by Metropolitan Opera bass, Stefan Szkafarowsky. A native New Yorker, Szkafarowsky studied at the American Opera Center at Julliard and the Westchester Conservatory of Music. With his powerful and beautiful bass he gave our audience an opportunity to hear an expressive interpretation of works by Rossini, Verdi, Kern, Youmans, Lysenko, and Sonevytsky. Stefan Szkafarowsky engaged with the audience and charmed us with his humor and personal touch. He was accompanied by the accomplished pianist Larysa Krupa. It is important to note that over the years, Branch 113 has raised a significant sum of money to support the Ukrainian Museum and that our members have also made large personal contributions to the institution. In the Works: Upcoming Young Artists Exhibition at the Ukrainian Museum In line with our focus on the future of the Ukrainian Museum, Branch 113 is planning a group exhibition of young emerging artists, including some who have already begun to distinguish themselves in New York City’s contemporary art scene. This project was initiated by our former cultural chair Alla Leshko and is being spearheaded by artist Roman Hrab. It is our hope that this group exhibition and the programs re- lated to it will attract a new, younger audience, and we invite everyone to attend this—our next big event. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Фотографії на стор. 31: 1. Ініціятива "Наші сини і доньки працюють". Аня Навроцька і Левко Раковський. / Sons & Daughters Initiative. Presenters Anya Nawrocky and Lew Rakowsky. In the background our members Ala Nowicky and Ulana Kebalo George. 2 Фортепянний дует Анна і Дмитрій Шелест. / Piano Duo Dmitri and Anna Shelest. 3. Продовження "Сини і доньки..." Зліва: др. Тарас Одуляк, (?), Роман Граб, Александер Мерл і Тамара Самійленко./ Sons & Daughters Initiative. Presenters Dr. Taras Odulak, (?), Roman Hrab, Aleksander Mehrle and Tamara Samilenko. 4. Відділ вручає даток на Український Музей. Зліва: Христя Самійленко, голова, та Марія Шуст, директор музею. / Branch #113 presenting Director Maria Shust with a donation to the Ukrainian Museum. 5. Продовження "Сини і доньки..." Зліва: Тамара Самійленко, Андрея Кохановська, Адріяна Лешко і Александра Лопатинська. / Sons & Daughters Initiative. Presenters (left to right) Tamara Samilenko, Andrea Kochanowsky, Adriana Leshko and Alexandra Lopatynsky. 6. 113-ий Відділ зі солістом Стефаном Шкафаровським. / Branch #113 members with soloist Stefan Szkafarowsky. 7. Виступ Анни і Дмитрія Шелестів в Українськім Музею. / Shelest Duo Concert. Pianists Anna and Dmitri Shelest performing at the Ukrainian Museum. 8. Голова 113-го Відділу Ілона Сочинська Шиприкевич з проф. Ярославом Лешком. / Gallery Talk: Prof. Yaroslaw Leshko and Branch 113 President Ilona Sochynsky Shyprykevych. 9. Проф. Ярослав Лешко, куратор виставки, коментує твір Якова Гніздовського. / Gallery talk. Prof. Jaroslaw Leshko com- menting on Jaques Hnizdovky's painting "Displaced Persons". 10. Мистець Софійка Зєлик демонструє писання писанок в їдальні New York Times / Pysanka artist Sofika Zielyk demonstrating the craft at the Ukrainian Easter luncheon at the New York Times. 11. "Великдень в New York Times". Зліва: Христина Самійленко, Алла Лешко і Тамара Самійленко. / Christina Samilenko, Alla Leshko and Tamara Samilenko at the display table during the Ukrainian Easter luncheon in the New York Times cafeteria. 12. Ярослав Лешко проводить членів та гостей 113-го Відділу виставкою "Jacques Hnizdovsky: Content and Style. Evolving Perspectives". / Prof. Jaroslaw Leshko giving a tour of the Jacques Hnizdovsky exhibit for Branch #113 members and guests. Credits: Ukrainian Museum, Richard McGarrigle, Vasyl Kosiv, Ilona Sochynsky, Anna Szczupak.
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