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32 WWW. UNWLA.ORG “НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ”, ЛЮТИЙ 2013 A G IN G G R A C E FU LL Y Ihor Magun, MD, FACP The desire to look one's b est while aging has been a powerful one since the ancient times. For centuries, our s ociety has plac ed so much emphasis on looking good , equating it with being young and fertile. Nowadays this trend is chan g- ing , albeit very slowly. Aging gracefully has to be an attitude coupled with certain lifestyle changes. Here are several suggestions to aid you in this tran sfo r- mation process: * Being young is bas ically having a young att i- tude―and that takes some work. It may seem hard at first, but the more you work at it, the eas i- er it becomes. * Challenge yourself by spending more time with various age groups. This wi ll give you more i n- sight into how different people perceive the m- selves and the world around them. Learn to see some issues from the perspective of a different age group. * Accentuate a feature in yourself that is uniq ue. If you have beautiful hair, let it stand out for y ou. Do not dismiss such things as superficial; they can impact our sense of self and contribute to our well - being. * Do not be stuck in a mind set that what you want to do is not appropriate at your curren t age. You know exactly to what I am referring, and you sur e ly know what is appropriate and not — so go for it. * You look best when you feel best. G et a good night ’ s sleep , which means keeping a regular sleeping schedule seven days a week with a min i- mum of seven hours of sleep per nigh t. Turn off all electronics one hour before bed to avoid major distractions. If necessary , see k professional me d- ical advice to treat potential sleeping disorders. * Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. As we age , our skin needs more and more attention . Get into the habit of using not only facial moisturizers but lotions and body washes tha t lock in moisture and let our skin look and feel healthy. * Break bad eating habits. Co ncentrate on eating colorfully — incorporating fresh fruits and veget a- bles in to your diet, and aim for an overall health i- er food selection. Eating healthy can also boost our immune system naturally and ward off di s- eases and potential infections that can compr o- mise our health. * Maintain an act ive exercise routine. Spend a minimum of twenty minutes three to four times a week exercising. It can be a brisk walk, partic i- pa t ing in an exercise program , or any other activ i- ty of a sustained nature. The release of endo r- phins during exercise not only gives you a boost in energy but also helps you reach your weight co n- trol goals. * Be proud of your a ccomplishments in life. Th e- se are not necessarily measured in fame — raising and taking good care of family and friends as well as volunteering and helping others are positive and val uable con tribution s to society . The feeling of a job well done , whatever that job may be, rai s- es one's self - esteem and contributes to one's overall well - being. * Use your knowledge a nd experience to be a mentor to a younger person: it is extremely r e- wa rding to see your skills and advice benefit the next generation. When they look up to you and offer words of thanks, you gain a new appreci a- tion for all those years you spent perfecting a skill or gaining knowledge. * Finally , as the saying goes, of all the things we wear, our expression is the most important. Work at keeping your expression always at its best. Think pos itive, incorporate the suggestions given above, and enjoy all the wonderful stages of your life. A good attitude , coupled with some sou nd lifestyle advice , should make the aging process more graceful and more meaningful.
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