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The Executive Committee and the National Board of the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America proclaim 2004 The Year of Our Life Magazine The UNWLA, now 79 years old, has had many successes. One of these successes is Our Life, which was first published in 1944 and is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. My congratulations to the past and present editors of Our Life. I thank them for their efforts and salute them for their dedication and their professionalism. Throughout the past 60 years, these editors have done much to advance women's rights and have focused on women's needs as mothers, as pro fessionals, and as activists. Our Life's current editors, Irena Chaban and Tamara Stadnychenko, should be commended for their role in this great mission. On behalf of the UNWLA membership, I would also like to thank our writers, readers, sponsors, and contributors. Without your input, this publication could not have existed for so many years. We can all be proud that among Ukrainian women's magazines Our Life stands unrivalled. It has survived a long and difficult journey. But while we celebrate the magazine's 60th anniversary, we must all be aware of financial difficulties that pose a threat to the magazine's future and this is a threat that cannot be ignored. Over the last six decades, Our Life magazine has served the UNWLA and its membership in many ways. In the earliest issues of Our Life , one can read about the history of the organization, about the difficulties of the war years, and about the efforts of Ukrainian women to shape and build a strong organization. In later issues, we find reports about the dissident movement in Ukraine and the women of the UNWLA who worked to support the movement and its heroes. The front cover of the magazine hailed Ukrainian independence, and later issues hailed the return of Soyuz Ukrainok of Ukraine to full membership status in the International Council of Women.. Articles published in Our Life have let UNWLA members share their success with the com munity. The magazine's rich content has included coverage of Branch activities, Regional Council activities, and events at UNWLA conventions over the decades. The magazine stands as a reminder of the past, a representation of the present, and the hope of the future. While paying homage to Ukraine, the pages of the magazine have also shown that our organization and its members have a deep and abiding respect for the United States of America and all it stands for. Today we are pleased to see Our Life being mailed to many countries outside the United States. Readers in Ukraine and other former Soviet countries thank us for sending the magazine; in its pages, they often learn many things that help them form their own organizations. The history of our organization and the history of Ukraine are intertwined in the pages of Our Life. This information is of great value to us and for future generations who can learn much from the past and use it to build a better future. Archival issues of the magazine are available, but time has taken its toll. As the magazines age, their pages turn yellow and brittle. One of the goals of the UNWLA Executive is to have the entire collection transferred to microfilm so that it can be preserved for researchers and others interested in our organization and its publication. Unfortunately, financial constraints make this goal impossible unless a sponsor or grant money can be found to fund this project. Perhaps, in this Jubilee Year, we can find both. I close by inviting all UNWLA members to celebrate our 60-year-old treasure. I also ask that we work together to ensure that Our Life continues to be published for many more years. Our magazine serves as a calling card for our organization throughout the world. It is a reflection of us and the work we do. — Iryna Kurowyckyj, President 2 “НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ”, СІЧЕНЬ 2004 Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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