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living in this country and raising our children as good citizens in a real democracy, in the land of the free. It will also serve as a source of information on how we can help those in need. For all of these reasons, we believe that Our Life is a very valuable publication indeed. In our homes, we like to serve healthy and tasty Ukrainian foods. We also like to display Ukrain ian artifacts. Our food is not difficult to prepare and not expensive. For many, it appropriate fare that is not impacted by the shortages and difficulties of created by war. Our works of art are a valuable treasure that we can be very proud of—something that on many occasions we can share with an American public that is unfamiliar with our heritage. Our Life is designed to reflect our taste in art and our taste in food. Our Life also gives our women an opportunity to discover new trends and ideas in Ukrainian writing as well as to explore beautiful, traditional Ukrainian literary language. One of our most important assignments is to help women writers develop their talents. There are many in our midst that can go far beyond writing reports about some event and they now have a magazine in which their work will be welcomed and appreciated. The Ukrainian National Women’s League of America is a women’s organization that is con nected to its mother country and to the association of women in the western part of Ukraine that is our predecessor. It unites tens of thousands of women, fully respecting all religious beliefs and political affiliations, unless they are affiliations that oppose Ukraine's struggle to be an independent nation or threaten American democracy. It is within the framework of these principles that the UNWLA works for the betterment of our women and especially to elevate the status of women and how they are perceived. We recognized that if we did not launch this publication at this time we might lose the opportunity to do so ever again. It is a publication that our women, our families, and our entire com munity needs. The success of this publication depends on the ideals and knowledge of high-minded, forward-thinking women. The world does not stand still. It is moving fast and so are our lives. We are getting older not younger. In publishing the first issue of Our Life , our intention is to work on what has united us not what divides us. To those who question whether it is the right time to publish, our answer is a definite yes. Letters to the Editor We recently received the following letter commenting on the November 2003 issue, which was dedicated to commemorating the Great Famine in Ukraine: Congratulations on a phenomenal issue—innovative and thought-provoking! As a representative of the UNA, an organization with a 110 year history of contribution to the Ukrainian community both here and in Ukraine, I believe not enough has been done to educate our current generation on the role that the pre-WWII Ukrainian community played in bringing Ukrainian issues like the Holodomor to the forefront of the American political scene. These workers were diligent, dedicated and committed to helping their countrymen back in Ukraine. They worked tirelessly, but today, their efforts, go largely unrecognized. Few know of the contribution that these tireless, committed women of the UNWLA made. This issue provides a clear illustration of what was accomplished, in a most effective form—historical evidence. It was much more effective than reading about their efforts in an article or story format. It provided irrefutable evidence of the important role played by Ukrainian women. It also illustrates what can be done when a community joins together to support a cause. As a UNWLA member as well, I am proud of what these women accomplished. May they serve as a role model for our current generation. Roma Lisovich, Treasurer Ukrainian National Association, Inc. (UNA) 10 “НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ”, СІЧЕНЬ 2004 Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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