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HELEN MURAL, Junior Vice-President UNWLA, Contributing Editor, X)UR LIFE Headquarter’s Bulletin Has your branch completed its questionnaire ? Headquarters re ports that the questionnaire has been sent out three times and there are still those branches who have Hot responded. Much work is going on at Headquarters in preparation for the Ninth Convention of Soyuz Ukrainok at the Warwick Hotel in Philadelphia, November 11th and 12th. What is your group dcrng in preparation for the Con v-ent.on ? Ihe first meeting m September after summer vaca tion, each branch should elect a delegate for the forthcoming conclave. Especially since this Convention will mark our Twen ty-Fifth Ann.ivers.ary Celebra tion, each » and every branch should be represented! More in formation will be printed from time to time. Many branches have informed Headquarters of plans to celeb rate the Twenty-Fifth Anniver sary of Soyuz Ukrainok. This news is received with pleasure. All branches in area in close pro ximity should work together. Proceeds should either be donat ed to worthy causes or sent to Headquarters. The Constitution has been mailed to all groups. Each branch should read carefully and study the Constitution. The Eighth Convention of the UNWLA voted that every branch with a membership of fifty or less is required to con tribute $10.00 yearly to help de fray administrative expenses of Headquarters. Those with a membership between fifty to one hundred are required to pay $15 while those branches with mem bership of over one hundred should contribute $20.00. There appears to be a misunderstand ing concerning this amendment as many branches have been sending in $5.00. Please note to which category your group be longs. r wo Ukrainian cultural exhi bits were held at Headquarters; one April 18 and the other April 22. Stephanie Wochok was in charge of the exhibit while Mrs. Helen Lototsky, lectured on the 'exhibit. Two very important confer ences were attended by otir Pre sident, Mrs. Lototsky in the last several months. The first was in April in Atlantic City, N. J., where the Citizens’ Bureau played host to 5,000 representa tives of thirty-two branches. The second was in May in Boston, Mass., where the General Feder ation of Women’s Organizations, of which Soyuz Ukrainok is a member, held a convention. The Federation embodies over three million members. Both these con ferences were very important to Soyuz Ukrainok as another good means of publicizing the Ukrain ian cause. you noit .a “49” by your name and .address of your latest copy of OUR LIFE, this means that уогі have not paid for the subscription to OUR LIFE for the year 194§. Please send in this ack payment along with your subscription fee for 1950. CONCERT HELD FOR BOOK FUND On April 30, 1950, Branch 30 of Cleveland, Ohio, .sponsored a concert, .proceeds of which are to be donated to the Lesya Uk rainka Book Fund. Among the active participants in tjiis con cert honor;injg Lesya Uk-rainika. we r e : Mrs. Irene Sal у k, who read an essay on the life of Le sya Ukrainka; a Trio of Recita tions by the Misses Lega Tar- chanin; Martha Olenkavich, and Tamara Du'ba; a solo by Miss Eugenia Fleegel; recitations by Miss- Keehowa Say look, Miss Palka, and Miss Hordysky. Miss Irene Trembly, President of Jr. Branch 60, spoke in English on the life of Lesya Ukrainka, while Miss Helen^Mural stressed the importance of printing Eng lish translations. The St. Peter and Patiil Choir s»ang. Highlight of the program was a skit writ ten by Lesya Ukrainka. M rs. Katherine Gabrowski, President of Branch 30, intro duced the participants in the, concert. DIXIELAND MINSTREL SHOW — UKRAINIAN STYLE Junior Branch 58 —C'lena Te- liha of * Detroit, presented a gala Dixieland Minstrel Show April 21 at the Ukrainian National Temple. The program, a gay de parture from the usual type of presentation by Ukrainian Clubs, wras enthusiastically received by the entire •audience. The performers were in black face and the' chorus looked trim and uniform in white trousers, white shirts, red or green vests and oversized bow ties. Mem bers of the chorus were: Helen Sedorak, Ann - Sedorak, Marie Slupecki, Rose Slupecki, Elsie Slupecki, Mary Le-sh, Virg. Med- vid, Kay Risiko,, Vera Boreiko, Ann La Sota, Mary Вас, Mary Popyk' and Miary Maliszewski. The six endmen (Mary Kachner —Cattail, Jo Popo'wicz—Frost bite, Justine Nelligan—Axhandle, Sonia Hayes—Doorknob, Nellie Sedorak—Exeiha, and Olga Kachner—Bozo) were dressed in spectacular zoot suits and kept up a constant howl with an as sortment of gimmicks including ers, ukeleles,, bells, clattering eei*s, ukeleles, bells, clattering false teeth, wrater guns, false noses, tambourines, etc.’4( Very renvniscent of Youth League, Conventions). In a throne-like chair sat Nick MedvicC the In terlocutor, in top hat and tails. Olga Dubriwny played the ac companiment beautifully on the broken-down Temple piano on which was hung a sign proclaim ing: “Piano For Sale—Cheap, See Manager.” Nick was respon sible for obtaining a gaily p art ed curtain back-drop and spot lights from the Boys’ Club which made the stage setting very effective. The curtain opened with the entire ’ensemble giving a rous ing welcome with a minstrel song to the tune of “Dixie” fol lowed by “Smile Darn You Smile.” Then began the jokes and skits interspersed with mu sical selections . there was the “Darktown Strutters Ball0 by a trio*, .Miary Kachner, Nellie Sedorak and Olga Kachner. A lovely number was “By the Light of the Silv’ry Moon” witli some easy-to-listen-to harmony by the ensemble while a couple spooned behind a ruffle-bedeck ed parasol 'and a paper moon hung Qverhead. Sonia Hayes was a hit as she stepped out je- welry-laden and in a 1820 cos tume to do - a hiarlem version of “Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend.” Olga^ Kachner went down on her knees, a la Jolson, to sing “Mammy.” The first act closed with the “Nickleodeon Song” as the endmen ran through the audience collecting tossed nickels. There was hardly time to catch our breath and apply luminous paint before the second curtain opened with the rhythmic “I’m Alabamy Bound.” More jokes, shenanigans and a skit by Sonia Hayes and Justine Nelligan were packed between the music al notes. One q,f the most popular num bers was “Dem Bones” when the lights were turned out ex cept for a purple beiam which picked up the luminous painted hands and bow ties and, of course, a luminous skeleton. Nel lie Sedorak and Mary Kachner gave a fine d^rkie duet of “Shortnin’ Bread” backed by the chorus. The lights went out again and one spotlight picked up a weary man singing “Old Man River” Mary Lesh did such a fine job of record pantomine on this song that many left the auditorium that night insisting that we had one of the “Bandu- riisty” doing the number on the stage! The curtain closed on “Dixie” but the applause called for .an encore so the ensemble gave out w'ith “I’ve Been Work ing .on the Railroad” followed wTith the Ukrainian version of the same sejnry. For the club members the show meant a lot of work, a lot of fun, and it was symbolic of re newed club activ:tv. We have already made plans for a social get-together at a weinie roast and on the serious side this June, marking our third anniver sary, we will hold a tea for, all UNWL branches at which time we will introduce aJl new mem bers and present a short pro gram honoring Olena Teliha. Olga Kachner. PHILADELPHIA BRANCH ELECTS OFFICERS Presiding officers recently elected by Jr. League Branch 5 7 are Vera Galamaga, President; M»arie Jacyszyn, Vice-President; Gloria Pankow, Secretary; and Polly Hladio, Treasurer. NEWS NOTES AND CHIT CHAT Detroit, Branch 61 Several members of Branch 61 started a class in Ukrainian Cross Stitch and other Ukrain ian stitches*. A former displaced person, Mrs. Anna Kachmar, is teaching the group. .... There are going to be wedtfing bells ringing for Helen Naliir- niak and Stanley Stanis on July 15. Helen is treasurer of Branch 61 and the first one of the few single girls to be married- this group. This Branch participated'' in' the concert that was given in February with Branches 5, 26, and 31 to raise funds for the pub lishing of Lesya Ukrainka’s poems. Philadelphia, Branch 52 * Olga Lisko appeared on the “Let’s Have Fun” television pro gram on Monday, April 24- She had -to act a part as a villain. The part was dramatized so. well that she received first prize. Lottie Hoptiatk, President and Stephanie Wochok attended the last meeting of the 1949-5.0 dub year and tea of the* Federation Juniors which was given by the Philomusian Juniors at their club house. Kay Mucha took the step on Saturday afternoon, May ,20. Best of luck! Stef fie.Wocho-k is secretary
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