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“НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ”, ЛИСТОПАД 2017 WWW. UNWLA .ORG 11 September 26. Natalka Fedorovych, Deputy Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine, visited the Consulate General of Ukraine in New York Cit y, and Denys Semenovych of the consulate requested a meeting with UNWLA representatives and others at the suggestion of Ms. Fedorovych. Many social issues facing Ukraine today were discussed, but the formation and development of the “social worker” as a vi able profession at institutions such as schools and hospitals was the main focus of the discussion. Ms. Federovych feels that this type of coordinating service would aid both physical and psychological assistance efforts at this time of war in Ukraine. Oc tober 8. UNWLA Financial Secretary Vera Kushnir and I traveled to the annual Philadelphia Regional Council meeting held at the Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania. Branch representatives and mem- bers of the RC read their ac tivity reports. Following a break for lunch, a delegate vote was taken on my proposal to hold the XXXII Convention (projected for September 2020) in Philadelphia. RC at- tendees voting unanimously to accept this pro- posal! (Please see related announcement on page 4 ). The next point of business was the presentation of the proposed Regional Council Board for the next two years. And here another decision was unanimously approved: Halyna Henhalo remains Philadelphia Regional Council President for the next two year s! Congratulations and thank you! Ukrainian A dvocacy day in Washington, D.C. , With Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R - NJ 11 th Dist r ict ) October 11. Ukrainian Advocacy Day in Washing- ton, D.C., as well as the 40 th anniversary of the Ukrainian National Informatio n Service (UNIS). Through the coordination of UNIS, Ukrainians from around the country, including UNWLA VP of Public Relations Nadia Nynka, met with govern- ment representatives and senators to advocate for Ukraine and urge them to vote for pending legisla- ti on in support of Ukraine. A congressional recep- tion followed in the evening, during which several members of congress were recognized as “Friends of Ukraine.” October 14. This year marks the 75 th anniversary of the creation of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) and the 70 th anniversary of “Operation Wisla” (code name for the military operation by Polish military and security units that resulted in the deportation of 150,000 Ukrainian s from the territories they occupied in western Poland.) The UNWLA XXXI Co nvention adopted as one of its resolutions the remembrance of Operation Wisla and, therefore, many UNWLA members (including the organization’s president) attended the Memo- rial Concert held at the Ukrainian - American Cul- tural Center of N.J. in Whippany. Vale ryi Chaly, Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States, pre- sented a certificate of appreciation to UNWLA President Marianna Zajac for her “many years of active community work for the good of Ukraine” and her “personal contribution to the strength en- ing of Uk rainian - American ties.” He then pre- sented certificates of appreciation to the event’s or- ganizers, Mari e Duplak and Zenia Bro zyna (both UNWLA members). Our organization is grateful for Ambassador Chaly’s recognition. October 15 marked the 400 th anniversar y of the founding of the Basilian order of St Josaphat. The anniversary was celebrated at St. George Church in New York City with a Pontifical Divine Liturgy, which was followed by a celebratory luncheon. Bishop Basel Losten (retired) and Bishop Paul Chomn yckyj, both members of the Basilian order, have always been extremely supportive of the UN- WLA and its projects. In appreciation of this sup- port, UNWLA attendance was strong and a finan- cial contribution from our organization was made to support this blessed day. Since the immigration of Ukrainians to New York in the late 1940s, there has also been a very strong connection between the UNWLA NY Regional Council and St. George’s Church. The support of our spiritual leaders has been fundamental to our mission an d our charita- ble work. Congratulations! An Invitation. The UNWLA Arts and Museum Committee is looking for new members who are passionate about Ukrainian arts and culture and who want to make an impact through our collective effort. Please contact Natalia Pawlenko ( ) for more information about this important initiative.
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